Madeline’s eyes were full of condescension when she heard Elise’s answer. That’s an authentic country girl for you—drooling over whatever’s out of her reach! Of course she’d be happy to attend after hearing she might get a chance to meet with the world’s number one billionaire. How shameless! She then chuckled. “Sure. Do attend the banquet with Alex.” When Madeline finally left, Alexander turned to Elise. “I thought you weren’t interested.


What gives?” She answered, “As she just said, my godfather will be attending the banquet as well! It’s been a long time since I last saw him, so I decided it’s time I meet him again.” Consequently, Alexander recalled his mother’s words. I wonder how’d she react if she were to know that the Quentin Fassbender that she’s preying on is the godfather of Elise… That’d be a blast, wouldn’t it? Nonetheless, he had no intention to reveal the truth to Madeline as he desired for her to eliminate the prejudice she had against Elise and learn to accept her wholeheartedly.

“Let’s go together, then.” Elise nodded. “Let’s!” … SK Group’s anniversary banquet was held in a manor that belonged to the Dahlens. The banquet gathered ninety percent of celebrated business owners in Athesea. Anyone who had gotten the invitation would bring along their loved ones, and that reflected just how influential the Dahlens were in the business industry of Athesea. “Greetings, Mrs. Griffith, Young Master Alexander.”

Maxwell Dahlen took the initiative and approached Madeline and Alexander with a warm welcome. As the owner of the manor, he seemed to have ignored Elise, who was right beside them, as he proceeded with his passionate chatter with Madeline. Madeline, who enjoyed being treated with utmost respect, revealed a boastful look with a subtle smirk, posing as a noblewoman. Alexander, on the other hand, wrapped his arm around Elise’s waist and pulled her close to himself, appearing to be quite intimate.

Seeing that, Maxwell finally noticed Elise’s presence and inquired, “And this is?” As Madeline was about to speak, Alexander swiftly replied, “My fiancée.” At his answer, Maxwell couldn’t help but feel slightly bewildered. Nevertheless, thanks to the countless experience he garnered from dealing in the industry for many years, he was able to cover up his ignorance. “Oh, yes. I’ve heard about your engagement, but I’ve never expected her to be such a beauty!

I had left was my

marriage. Maxwell, on the other hand, pretended not to have sensed her meaning and simply notified his leave. “Please make yourselves at home, Mrs. Griffith, Young Master Alexander. I’m afraid duty

Madeline could say anything, he escorted Elise to a resting spot, to which the latter questioned, “What’s wrong with you?” Alexander looked her in the eyes

families like yours to be into homogamy, and your mother’s dissatisfaction toward me is only rooted from

that as long as we’re in love with each other, people who wish to split us apart can only dream on. You know what, Elise? I’ve always had this thought—why are you only eighteen? If only you were already twenty, I would have married you and brought you home.” Immediately, Elise blushed and punched his chest. “Stop it!” “I’m serious. Let’s get married as soon

this time, she had always pictured herself as a kid, and talking about marriage could sometimes stupefy her. “That’ll depend on your performance.” Alexander earnestly nodded. “I won’t let you down.” “Mhm.” She was satisfied with his answer. The next second, she finally realized the curious gazes directed

to watch us either, so it’s out of our control.” “But it’s embarrassing!” Caressing her head, he replied, “Then

Alexander benignly staring at Elise. She couldn’t help but feel envious of the person whom he was looking at with his bewitching gaze. If only I was the one he’s looking at… “Here’s a gift for you, Maya.” As Madeline said that, she pulled out an elegant box, to which

with me.” Swiftly, she shoved the gift onto Maya’s palm. “Alex is a slow one when it comes to relationships. If you want to impress him, perhaps you can come visit us more frequently, even if it’s only to have a chat with me.” “Thank you,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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