Indubitably, what Maya said didn’t actually happen. She was aware that Madeline had no way of approaching Quentin, so she persisted with her lie. “Of course! Would I joke about such a thing?” Madeline cackled. “I know you wouldn’t. Like I said, our Maya’s a smart, kind, beautiful, and generous girl! There’s not another person in the entire Athesea that could match up with your perfection, and you’ve proved that today.


I trust my instinct about you. Don’t forget that I’m still waiting for you to get married with Alex, okay? I can’t wait to have you as my daughter-in-law!” Feeling somewhat bashful, Maya turned to Alexander’s direction. “Well, I won’t mind if he doesn’t…” Madeline was highly impressed by Maya. She thought that anyone that deserved to marry her son should at least have a solid family background and the capability to lead the Griffiths’ businesses to success. As for Elise, she had been disdaining her all this while; she could never find it in herself to accept her.

“It’s okay. I know what you’re thinking. Come, let’s go see Alex.” Meanwhile, Alex fetched some tidbits over to Elise, who found herself feeling relieved after eating some dessert. At that moment, Madeline brought Maya over and said, “Alex, go dance with Maya when the banquet starts.”

Disregarding her words, Alexander had his full attention on Elise. “Do you like this one? Do you want more?” “No, thanks,” Elise answered. Then, the man withdrew his gaze and said, “Sorry, I’ll only dance with my fiancée.” Ignoring his answer, Madeline countered, “Elise wouldn’t know how to dance. You’re gonna make a fool out of her if you bring her onto the dance floor. Maya, on the other hand, has learned various styles of ballroom dances, and she’d mastered every single genre of them, so bring her. You’ll surely impress everyone.” Alexander was upset by his mother’s condescending words toward Elise.

was obviously offended. “Since Miss Dahlen’s so exceptional at dancing, I’m sure she’d have a line of men waiting to dance with her, whereas I, having no talent in dancing, would only be a drag to her.” “I don’t mind at

shouldn’t treat her like a joke in front of everyone.” Without any intention to compromise, Alexander apathetically declined. “What does that have to do with me?” At his reply, Madeline was shocked speechless,

much you won’t even care about your mother’s pride?” As if she was heartbroken, she pointed at Elise. “Is this woman so important that you’d forgotten I’m your mother? You really disappoint me, Alex.” “I’m sorry.” Alexander instinctively stood before Elise, calmly clarifying,

one purpose of my life. And you, Mom, are someone whom I respect the most in the whole world, so I truly hope that you can accept the person I love. But if you can’t get yourself to… Well, not that it matters.” Finished, he reached out his hand to Elise, who,

two held each other tightly like the most perfect couple—a sight that stung Madeline’s eyes. Silently, Madeline clenched her fists, trembling as she gazed at the

too, was led to the middle of the dance floor by a tall, slender man. She boastfully raised her chin, and there was a dash of hostility in her eyes when she looked at Elise and Alexander.

tell him that she’d learned the same style of ballroom dance when she was a kid, so she was no stranger to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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