“No way, you got it all wrong; that wasn’t my intention. I was just worried about the possible trouble that’ll crop up.” After all, many people would try to suck up to Quentin, considering his identity. Elise had only expressed that they were on somewhat close terms, and already, there was a whole queue of people trying to get to him through her. And Quentin knew this better than anyone else. “You’re getting even more crafty by the day, my girl!” Having said that, Quentin looked at Alexander, his eyes narrowing slightly when he recalled Madeline’s words earlier.


He then quickly continued, “How has life been treating you recently, Ellie? If anything happens, come straight to me! You’ll always have my full support.” “I know, Papa! Don’t worry about that! I’ve been doing just fine.” “That’s all I need to hear!” After saying that, Quentin seemingly thought of something. He then dug out a bunch of keys from his pocket and handed it over to her. “I’m very proud of you, knowing that you got into Tissote University. These are the keys to the house that I bought for you near campus. You can stay there. It’ll be more convenient for you that way.”

Elise stared at the keys. Her heart wouldn’t stop thumping furiously in her chest. Property prices in Tissote were sky-high; just a single studio apartment would set one back millions already. “This is too expensive a gift. I can’t accept this.” Much to her surprise, Quentin became unhappy when she said that, and he shoved the keys right into her hands. “This is for my darling daughter, so it’s not expensive to me at all! I’m going to be upset if you don’t accept it.”

being so considerate and polite even with her godfather! Say, when are you going to Tissote? It’ll be easier for me to help you make the necessary arrangements.” “Early September, I guess!” “Okay, got it. Let me send you two back. Or, do you want to go to the Griffith Residence instead?” “No, I already moved out. I currently stay at a place at Bollinger Gardens that I bought myself,” Elise quickly said. Quentin’s eyes narrowed slightly at that before he asked, “Ellie, did something upsetting happen to you

tell me, okay? Don’t keep everything to yourself.” “Don’t worry, Papa. I’m fine, really!” Quentin felt even more heartbroken when he heard her say that, but he didn’t show any sign of it on his face. Elise was the first one to get out of

in first. There’s something that I want to talk to Mr. Fassbender about.” Elise asked, “Why are

building. After the car door was closed again, the atmosphere between Alexander and Quentin inexplicably changed. Neither of them spoke, but Alexander could sense a certain pressure weighing down on him. It was the first time someone made him feel

As for your mother, there are certain things that I can’t possibly say. Still, I will have to remind you of this: regardless of anything, Ellie has me watching her back…” Alexander understood Quentin’s intentions. “Rest assured, Mr. Fassbender! Elise is my fiancée, so naturally, I’ll protect her from anything. Even my mother cannot challenge my decision! I ask you

because of what you’ve said.” Having gotten out of the car, Alexander then watched the car drive off into the distance. Elise appeared out of nowhere after the car left and gently tapped him on the shoulder. “What did Papa say to you? You don’t exactly look good.” Alexander looked at Elise standing before him, and then he reached out to hug her, saying to her in the softest and gentlest of tones, “Your godfather asked me to take good care of you.”

across Elise’s face upon hearing that before she ribbed him. “Haha, now you know, don’t you? I’ve got someone powerful backing me.” “Mmhm, I know now, so I have to be even nicer to you.” Elise couldn’t restrain herself anymore. She burst into laughter. “Isn’t that something you should be doing in the first place?” “That’s right! Mr. Fassbender’s words just strengthened my resolve.” Alexander was serious when he said that. However, deep down, he knew that nothing had changed even though

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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