Seeing how Elise had already returned to normal, the weight on Brendan’s heart lifted at last. “No, it’s nothing like that. I came over to apologize. That thing with Maeve was all because of me. I’ve ended up causing a lot of trouble for you.” Elise’s expression hardly changed at the mention of Maeve. “It’s no big deal. It’s all in the past now.” “Yeah. By the way, there’s something I need to tell you. During your break, a servant from the Anderson Family in Tissote dropped by our atelier, looking for you to design a wedding gown. Since you weren’t there, we didn’t manage to seal the deal.


Now that you’re back though, are you maybe interested in talking with the client?” Elise was taken aback. “From Tissote? Asking for me?” Brendan grinned as he nodded. “Looks like your name is getting out there. That’s a good thing.” Elise let out a hum. “When’s the client coming?” “I’ll give them a call first. We’ll talk about the timeframe later.” Elise contemplated for a moment before answering, “Okay, let me know once you’ve arranged the appointment.”

After Brendan left, he called the client. The client seemed to be in a rush, for an appointment was immediately made for the client to meet Elise at the atelier later that afternoon. The person who showed up was a graceful woman in her forties, who oozed elegance and femininity. “Pleased to meet you, Miss Sinclair,” the woman promptly greeted Elise upon seeing her. “Nice meeting you too.” Elise reached out and shook the woman’s hand. The woman smiled as she sat down. “I am Rowena Johnson. You may call me Ms. Johnson.” “Ms. Johnson. I heard that you came from Tissote, right?”

am here today on behalf of my mistress to look for you specifically. My mistress has seen your designs and she was fascinated by them. Therefore, she would like your help in designing a wedding gown.” “And who could your mistress be?” Rowena took out

end of the year, so I would like for you to spare no effort in her wedding gown’s design.” “I can see that Miss Anderson is a very elegant lady. But, I wonder if she has any idea for the kind of gown she would like? After all, as designers,

of it, she found absolutely nothing. “But Ms. Johnson, there’s nothing written on the paper.” Rowena smiled. “I am not sure about that either, but Miss Anderson did say that she wrote her requests on this sheet of paper.” Elise

Rowena nodded in surety. “Yes, Miss Sinclair. It is as you said. Rumor has it that you’ll be attending

there was a bigger problem at bay. Just what kind of profound mysteries does this blank sheet of paper hold? Elise wondered. “Ms. Johnson, all I can promise you is that I’ll give it a try. If you are not pleased with the draft, I can do a full refund.” “That

speaking up in shock. “Isn’t this a little too much? This amount far exceeds the prices of our custom designs.” “My mistress has said that Miss Sinclair’s work is worth this money. And of course, we hope that Miss Sinclair will be able to give us a design worthy of this sum.” Brendan was conflicted. He looked at Elise, and in the end, he asked for her opinion. “Elise, are you confident in making this wedding dress?” Elise eyed the paper in her hands. All she did was say, “I’ll give it my best shot!” Having heard Elise’s answer, Brendan felt relieved. It was only then that he accepted Rowena’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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