“What’s with that look? Why do I get the feeling that you’re scared?” Elise couldn’t help asking. Brendan was embarrassed. After coughing lightly, he answered honestly, “I was just worried that you guys…” As he spoke, his voice got softer and softer. And within seconds, his ears turned completely red, making him look like a pure and innocent boy. Elise belatedly realized what he was referring to, and she quickly smacked him. “What were you thinking! We’re totally pure and innocent.” Brendan nodded repeatedly. “Yeah, yeah, got it. My bad for having my mind in the gutter…”


Having said that, Brendan quickly changed the topic. “By the way, your letter of admission arrived at my house. Danny said that he would bring it over to you. Did you get it?” “Not yet. He’ll probably bring it over a little later.” “You did so well for the exam, Elise! That’s just awesome. When should we throw a celebration party for you?” At that suggestion, Alexander immediately voiced his opinion. “I think a celebration is in order! Would you consider it?” he asked Elise. However, all Elise did was frown slightly. “There’s no need for any huge celebrations. Why don’t we gather everyone for dinner some day? Think of it as a present for me. I’m going to be moving to Tissote for university soon, after all.

I’ll probably only be able to come back during winter break.” “That’s a great idea! That works too!” Brendan quickly answered. “I can organize this and get everyone together for that dinner.” Elise made a noise of acknowledgement. “Sure, I’m just worried about you going out of your way.” “What’s with the worry! It’s just a small thing. Just leave it to me.” “Thanks for taking all the trouble for this.” Alexander patted Brendan on the shoulder. Brendan was stunned by this display of affection. “We’re family, okay? No need to act like such a stranger. I’m doing this for you and Elise. It’s something that I should do. So, now that we’re all going to have that dinner, I’ll pick a date for that dinner party.”

now! I’ll be fine on my own.” After watching Brendan drive off, Alexander took Elise’s hand. “Let’s go. We should go home.” Elise followed him, the two of them walking side by side into the residential area. They had just gotten out of the elevator, only to realize that Danny was already standing by her door. “You’re back at last, Boss. I’ve been waiting here for like half the day already.”

promptly handed the envelope to Elise. “Here, Boss, your admission letter.” Elise took the letter and unlocked her door before ripping the envelope open. Although she had already signed the enrollment forms for Tissote University, her heart still wavered at the sight of this letter. This was the result of her one year of hard work in Athesea! Alexander walked over to her side and softly said, “Congratulations for

Alexander could sense the happiness inside her, and he felt nothing but glad for her. “Now that I’ve delivered your letter, I’m going to just leave you two be. I’ve still got other things to do, so see you around.” Danny did not continue to linger and left swiftly. Thus, Elise and Alexander were the only ones left in the massive room. Elise

Elise’s ears, pressed as closely to his chest as she was. “I don’t want this either, but it looks like that’s the only way forward. However…” Elise raised her head to look at Alexander. “I can rush through my course and graduate early. Then we won’t have to be in an LDR.” Alexander stroked her head. “Don’t think too much about it. Just let things

squinted his eyes. “Planning to get rid of me?” Elise hastily pushed him. “Off you go! See you tomorrow!” Even though Alexander longed to stay, he also knew about that gulf that he couldn’t cross, so he just sighed. “Elise, when can I stay with you?” Elise’s face turned crimson, and

his pants. He sighed again helplessly, and then he closed his eyes and emptied his mind. Only then did his heart gradually return to some semblance of calmness. Once he was back in his apartment, he picked up his phone and made a call. “Cameron, isn’t there an open management spot at the Tissote branch? Make the necessary

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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