Chapter 272 Proper and Reasonable, Coolest Girl in Town

However, after writing a full page, it still wasn’t solved, so Elise had to turn a page to continue calculating. Then, she found that one set of formulas was wrong, so she quickly corrected it. This happened back and forth, while Addison had even lost several games already. Addison was a little frantic. “I’m not playing anymore. These troublemaking teammates. They actually quit mid-match! They made me drop two ranks.” The moment Addison said this, many people around them glanced over. Only then did she remember that she was in the library, so she quickly lowered her gaze and fell silent.


“Elise… Elise!” Addison whispered. “How much longer are you staying here?” Without looking up, Elise said, “A while longer.” “Then, I’ll leave first.” With that, Addison packed up her things and left while reminding herself that she shouldn’t come to the library so often next time. After Addison left, Elise continued to solve the question. When she was done, she stretched and packed her things before leaving. The next day, she went to the classroom and heard many students discussing the welcome party. “I heard that the talent of the music department will perform on stage.

I’m really looking forward to it!” “Will there be a lot of handsome guys?” “There definitely will be. The school attaches great importance to the welcome party every year, but I wonder what performance our class will be putting on…” As they spoke, several students saw Janice walk in and immediately called out to her, “Janice, you’re the art and literature committee member of our class. Is our class performing?” Janice replied, “Yes! Our class has prepared a play.” “Really? Can I join?”

said, “Of course. You can register with me.” After asking the student to write down her name, Janice couldn’t help but glance at Elise, who was sitting not far away, whereupon a bright gleam flashed across her eyes

contribution to the class. It’s not that nice of you to reject me so bluntly, right?” Elise stopped what she was doing and looked up at Janice, who was giving her a provocative look. Then, she said, “I’m not good at acting, and I don’t

you to do this?” The other students hurriedly added, “It’s not like everyone is required to participate in this kind of activity. If she’s not interested in the play, then you should just let it go.” “That’s right. Geniuses like her just need to study hard. Leave

just think this role is very suitable for her, which is why I asked her to join. I’m afraid that if other students played this role, they won’t be able to do the character justice.” She sounded utterly proper and reasonable! The students next to her couldn’t help but ask, “What role is it that must be played by Elise? Tell us about it!” Janice intended for Elise to play a witch, but if she told them about this, it would definitely cause dissatisfaction among her classmates, so she said, “I wanted to let her play

why don’t you think about it?” Elise figured that Janice wouldn’t be so kind as to give her a role as important as the female lead, so she considered it for a while before asking, “Are you being serious?” Janice felt her heart being torn apart, but in order to prevent her classmates from getting any ideas, she forced herself to say, “Of course I am. I really want you to play the female lead, but you’re not interested, right? I’ll just find someone else, then…” “Elise, just

writer, so all of the creative power was in her hands. She definitely had ways to let Elise be overshadowed as the female lead, and she must prove that she was better than Elise! When the time came, she figured she could outshine

earliest to show up in the conference room. As her classmates began to arrive one after another, Janice swept her gaze around the room but didn’t see Elise. Her brows furrowed as she asked, “Where’s Elise? Why isn’t she here?” The students looked at each other and answered, “I don’t know!” Janice was about to lose her temper when the door of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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