As soon as she spoke, she heard the sound of footsteps fading away. “Stop. Who are you? Hurry up and open the door…” Janice ignored her. Not only did she not open the door for her, she even locked the door of the entire restroom. Elise quickly took out her phone but found that the phone signal was weak. She wanted to make a call but couldn’t. All she could do was sit on the toilet and calm herself down. Forget it. I didn’t really want to participate in the rehearsal anyway. It’s not a bad thing to be locked up here. She took out her exercise book containing Professor Merlin’s question then began to solve it again.


When Janice went back to the conference room, no one noticed anything unusual. After a while, someone suddenly said, “Since we’re almost familiar with the script, we should try rehearsing it.” “I think so too.” “By the way, where’s the female lead? Where did she go?” Everyone began to look for Elise in the conference room, but they didn’t manage to find her. At this moment, someone said, “Elise went to the restroom. She’ll be back in a moment.” Then, Janice immediately spoke up. “Elise said that she’s not feeling well. She has already asked me for the day off and will not be joining rehearsal today.

Let’s not worry about her first. We can go back and rest after we’ve roughly rehearsed.” Upon hearing this, everyone began to rehearse without any objections. Meanwhile, in the restroom, Elise had buried herself in the question and was completely immersed in it. Minutes passed and night came, but Elise wasn’t aware of it. She found that although she was trapped in the restroom, her inspiration was flowing like a water fountain. She couldn’t stop, and when she finished writing the steps to solve the problem on several pages, she finally got the answer.

Elise stopped and looked at the time, only to find that it was already 11:00PM. Her stomach was growling from hunger. She also found it strange that hours had passed, yet not a single student had come to the restroom. Elise tried her phone again, and this time, her call finally got through. She heard Alexander’s voice coming from the other end of the phone. “Hello, Elise?” Half an hour later, Alexander hurried over and rescued Elise. At this moment, he didn’t look to be in a good mood, but he patiently asked, “What happened?” Elise pursed her lips and answered, “I don’t know who did it, but someone locked me in.”

her story, Alexander interrupted her, “Then, why didn’t you call me earlier?” Elise immediately replied, “At that time, I was just thinking of completing this question, so I delayed a little.” It was only then that Alexander noticed the book in her hand, which was

“Let’s go! I’ll bring you somewhere for a good meal.” It was nearing 12:00AM, so the school’s cafeteria was closed. In the end, Alexander called a restaurant to have

her suspicions, but she wasn’t sure of her own guess, so she said, “I’ll handle this matter. I think one of my classmates accidentally locked me from the outside.” However, Alexander’s brows furrowed tightly. “Are you sure it was an accident?”

troubling to not be needed by you sometimes.” Elise stopped what she was doing and immediately said, “I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just a small matter, so I can handle it. Besides, who said

Alexander saw how panicked she was, he quickly hugged her. “Okay, okay. I was just kidding. You can take care of this matter first. If you can’t handle it, then tell me.” Elise nodded. “Okay.” By the time Elise finished eating, it was almost 1:00AM. Fortunately, there was no curfew at Tissote University, so Elise returned to the dormitory. The next morning, when Addison saw Elise, who had appeared out of nowhere, she was surprised. “Elise… when did you come

little late, so I didn’t wake you up.” Addison replied, “Wow, you have so much motivation to stay in the library every day. When can I have your motivation?” Having packed up her books, Elise got up. “Let’s go to class. The first lesson is Professor Merlin’s lesson.”

the slightest change in her expression, Elise said, “I’m fine! Who told you I wasn’t feeling well?” “Didn’t Janice say that you weren’t feeling well, so you left the rehearsal earlier?” Upon hearing her name, Elise looked up at Janice.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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