Chapter 282 A Game of Cat-And-Mouse,Coolest Girl in Town

After saying that, he passed her a very pretty invitation card. “This is Designer’s Night organized by a few influential and seasoned designers in the country, and there should be quite a few new designs on this show. Later, accompany me to this event to have a look.” Lowering her head, Elise studied the card in her hands, which had a familiar name on it. Designer’s Night was considered as the source of fresh ideas for domestic fashion designers.


It may appear as a fashion show, but in private, the audience under the stage could make a bid according to the number on the model and win themselves the chance to meet and chat with the designer about the philosophy behind the design. To put it simply, it was an exchange of design inspirations. At first, Elise wasn’t very interested in it, but she didn’t want to turn Brendan down, so she followed him along. She felt much better when they received a mask at the entrance of the venue; hidden underneath the mask, so much hassle could be eliminated because nobody would know who the other was.

There weren’t many points of the show which surprised Elise. In the end, she picked a design which was kind of to her liking, then she wrote down the serial number and price before leaving the show early to go to the bathroom. When she came out, a man was standing at the door with his back facing her. At first, she thought that he was one of the models, but when she saw the mask strap around the back of his head, she realized that he was also an invited guest. Her gaze stopped on him for a couple more seconds before she looked away and prepared to leave.

lady who has the same tastes as me looks like,” he said, reaching out his hand to take off her mask. Out of reflex, Elise stepped backward, but the man pushed his luck and came in closer until she was leaning on the sink. With no room left for Elise to retreat, he placed both of his hands on the sink, trapping her

nowhere to go, felt a wave of disgust over her chest. By using his male physical advantages to subdue a woman, this man had really pushed her button. “Sir, please watch what you’re doing.” Clenching her fists tightly, Elise suppressed her urge to strike him. “I didn’t mean to

who was invited here is either rich or wealthy, and yet, he’s so stingy with his bid and even has the cheeks to make a fuss about it. Unable to hold it back anymore, she snorted and said sarcastically, “Let me guess: A well-dressed gentleman such as you—whom people can easily tell how wealthy you are—couldn’t even

he took out his wallet would be more than 1,000. So, how could he have made such a petty bid? It’s all the fault of that new assistant who has no experience with events like this. I’m going to fire him later when I get back! he thought furiously. But this woman has a sharp tongue, and it’s kinda extraordinary how she insults without using any vulgar language. The thought of this made him even more excited, and he grabbed her entire mask with his large hand, impatient to have a look at the face of the

to twist his head to check out the woman’s face instead. To his dismay, she already had her back facing him, and the man next to her was wearing a solemn expression. With the fierce, cold air around him, he looked like a murderous wolf from the Siberia. Unwittingly, Johan was stunned for a moment as he

Then, he spun around, placed his arm around Elise’s waist, and left. After they had left the masked man far behind, it struck Elise that Alexander should now be on a business trip in Athesea. “Why are you still here?” “I happen to have something to discuss with Brendan,” he explained, opening the car door. “I’ll send

jokingly, “You have serious matters to attend to; if you keep sending me to places, people might think that I’ve hired myself a handsome driver!” However, Alexander’s face was grim, and he didn’t

topic. “The man who blocked your path earlier has some issues with me on a project. That guy is insane, so stay away from him and don’t accidentally get yourself hurt.” This is such a small world, Elise thought. After twists and turns, it turns out that everyone is connected to each other. “Got it,” she answered with a nod. Seeing that he wasn’t angry anymore, she asked in a pleasing voice, “Have you heard of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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