Chapter 283 No Avoiding the Enemy,Coolest Girl in Town

In front of the girls’ dorms at Tissote University, the aesthetic design of the red Porsche complemented the straight, creaseless suit on the man. On the balconies, the girls gathered in groups of three to five as they rubber-necked to look downward. The sun had set in the West, and the skewed afterglow made it very uncomfortable for Johan. Taking off his sunnies impatiently, he checked the time on his wristwatch and gritted his teeth in frustration. He had been waiting here for more than an hour, but he didn’t even see Elise’s shadow. Did this woman receive news ahead that I was coming and she’s hiding from me on purpose?


Initially, he wanted to wait here to ambush her—he would pop up in front of Elise, who had already taken off her mask, and watch her crumble in shame with his own eyes. The scene in his mind was enough to make the adrenaline rush through his veins. However, he could only whisk out his cell phone in annoyance and call the number given by his subordinates. The call merely connected for a second before it was hung up immediately. Infuriated, he raised his hand and wanted to smash his phone to pieces on the ground, but he had only raised his arm halfway when it hit a soft surface.

A coquettish voice of a woman echoed together with the impact. “What are you doing?” Feigning injury and putting up a pathetic look, Janice hugged herself, looking as though she had been taken advantage of. Spinning around suddenly, Jonah shot her a steely look, and she couldn’t help but shudder when their eyes met. After staring at her for a couple of seconds, he asked, “Do you know Elise Sinclair?” “Elise?” Upon hearing the name, she looked even more annoyed and asked indifferently, “Why are you looking for her?”

wanted to chat him up without seeming too obvious, but it turned out that he was here for Elise. Why are all the handsome men in this world seduced by that woman? Narrowing his eyes, Jonah was kind of sure that he had asked the right person. Without waiting for a

popped up in his mind. Changing his expression, he kept away his aggressiveness and turned himself into a bright, young man in a split second by smiling kindly. “Thanks for your advice, pretty lady. How should I repay you for doing me such

lightly. Not bad. She’s quite calm and even knows how to play hard-to-get. But too bad that she has

ex-classmates in Athesea as well.” After that, Jonah took a step back gentlemanly, opened the passenger seat door, and gestured for her

think about it.” At the same time when she spun her head around, the smile on Jonah’s face froze. It’s not bad that I got a small compensation even though I didn’t catch my prey. As for Elise Sinclair… Hmph, she won’t get away from me! … Elise felt that she had fallen for a trap. They agreed that it would be a getaway in Athesea, but she ended up accompanying Alexander in meetings the whole day. By the time they came out of the office building, the sky had already turned dark. Leaning into the seat, Elise let out a bored

her and saw how tired she seemed. Hence, at the next junction, he turned the wheel and drove in the opposite direction of the hotel. Almost immediately, she noticed that it was the wrong way, so she turned to ask, “Shouldn’t we have turned left?” Driving with his full attention, he answered without looking away from the road, “Don’t you want to go out and relax after a boring day?” Elise pouted her lips. “Of course I would like that, but don’t you have another video conference in the evening?” After spending an entire day

bored to death. “It’s okay.” With a faint smile on his lips, he added, “My friend arranged a meetup tonight, and I can’t turn him down. If I have to meet them sooner or later, it wouldn’t be too unbearable with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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