Chapter 312 Fine, Do as You Wish,Coolest Girl in Town

After all, Robin and Laura couldn’t bear to make such an unreasonable move as Madeline. They could only point angrily in the direction of the door… “If you came as an elderly, Elise would naturally welcome you. But if you only came to judge and criticize, I’ll tell you this: Elise didn’t do anything wrong, so we won’t accept your criticism. Laura and I will never allow her to be bullied like this!” “Mom, haven’t you caused enough trouble?” Alexander roared in anger. What is she doing here with the Dahlens? Maya is obviously the one at fault and guilty here, so why put this all on Elise?


“Alex, cut that crap! I don’t need you to criticize me. Everyone is aiming for peace, but Elise wants to force people to death! I will put my words here: You have to let Maya go right now!” Madeline angrily and outrightly refuted Alexander’s words. Meanwhile, Maya’s parents did not have her toughness. In order to save their daughter, they could only kneel down before Elise. “Miss Sinclair, I beg you to let our daughter go. Maya was wrong. When she’s released, I will definitely bring her to apologize to you, and we promise you that we will make sure she won’t have anything to do with Alexander ever again! Please… I beg of you…” Aside from begging her, Maya’s parents even began to kowtow toward Elise.

apologized for killing someone, should we then pretend that nothing happened?” Alexander wouldn’t want

in the first place. Can’t you give her another chance? I promise you—when she is released, I will take her out of

merely sneered, “Elise is my fiancée; how can I not get involved in this matter? Mom, it’s okay that you don’t like Elise, but you shouldn’t bring them here like this. If

accept this fact. “Alexander Griffith, I’m your mother. Do you think the person I favor could be that bad? The person who loves you will not be

conference to publicly admit what she had done to me and promises not to find trouble with me in the future, I will let her go.” Elise pursed her lips and spoke slowly. This was her greatest tolerance.

all relations with you.“ “You—” Madeline would never have thought that Alexander would cut off his relationship with her so brazenly in front of so many people. She pointed at Alexander’s nose and almost didn’t manage to catch her breath. “You don’t want me, your mother, because of this woman?” Madeline asked Alexander hoarsely with tears in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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