Chapter 313 What Am I to You, Then?,Coolest Girl in Town

“Why?” Alexander asked in a hoarse voice, his throat stinging with emotion. He even had difficulty breathing. Of course, his first instinct was to pick his mother up. However, Madeline clutched his hand firmly and demanded with all her might, “I’ll go to the hospital only if you promise me that you’ll break up with Elise…” Alexander didn’t expect his mother to be so unrelenting and stubborn even at this critical moment. “Mom…” Madeline shoved Alexander away at once. “Well then, just watch me die!” Alexander’s heart twinged when he saw Madeline’s attitude. Mom even dared to stab herself in the heart with a knife. Is there anything else she wouldn’t do? he thought.


However, he couldn’t just sit by and watch his own mother bleed to death in front of him either. Thus, he forcibly picked her up, letting her struggle in his arms. When Alexander emerged with Madeline in his arms, Elise, Robin, and Laura were taken aback by the sight of blood. After a moment’s silence, Robin and Laura shook their heads. “You’d better go back with us, Elise. Just forget about saying goodbye to Alexander. Let’s go,” Robin said with a long sigh. Elise was stupefied. Laura then said, “You’ve seen the situation now, Elise. His mother’s so uncompromising in her stance.

caught in such a dilemma. … Madeline was in critical condition since the knife went right into her heart. Alexander stayed close to her without letting

over him… Subsequently, he entered the passcode and went in, only to find the house empty. She’s gone… Alexander couldn’t believe his eyes. He quickly took out his cell phone, but it didn’t show any incoming text messages or phone calls. He never thought Elise would leave, nor did he expect her to not even

 However, before he could set off, a call came in from Danny. “Hurry up and come to the hospital, Alexander. Mom’s come around, and she’s now demanding to see you. She said she’ll refuse medical treatment if she doesn’t get to see you. We couldn’t stop her no matter what…” Alexander could only turn back in the face of Danny’s desperate urging and Madeline’s extreme behavior. He knew

Maya. I can look for someone else for you, but you must break up with Elise!” Danny and the bunch didn’t expect this to be the reason Madeline had Alexander called over. On the other hand, Alexander set his jaw grimly. Pulling a long face, he looked as black as thunder; even his voice was oppressive. “Do you really

darting her eyes around. Seeing how Madeline’s eyes searched for Elise, Alexander snapped at once, “Don’t give me that, and stop looking for her! She’s gone!” Madeline was delighted. “That’s perfect. I’ll set you up on a blind date tomorrow.” Danny and the others couldn’t wrap their heads around this. Elise came from a prominent family background and was very capable. The young lady was only 19 years old, but she was a skilled singer, gamer, and fashion designer. She was both pretty and rich, so why would

you might as well take good care of yourself. I’m here to tell you to knock it off. If you don’t, I’ll die too—unless you want me to die in front of you!” “You—” Upon hearing his words, Madeline stared blankly at him. She mumbled, “Are you threatening me?” Alexander let out a sneer. “Well, it’s not like you’ve threatened me less often. Don’t forget whose son I am. Since you can do it, why can’t I?” he replied. Then, he turned around and left without hesitation. Madeline’s chest ached with anger, but she dared not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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