Chapter 315 What Can We Do to Make Her Happy?,Coolest Girl in Town

Alexander could hardly describe his feelings when he heard Elise’s words, which were spoken gently in a croaky voice. “Have you made up your mind?” “Well, your mom’s determined to stop me. There’s a saying that has been true throughout the ages: you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” It was both appropriate and inappropriate to apply the saying to the present moment, but the saying was true since Elise and Madeline could never live peacefully together. Alexander didn’t respond, though his black eyes were full of sorrow. Elise felt bad when she saw him like this, but she could only force herself to put up an apathetic front at the moment.


She said coldly, “You’re not worried that something might happen to your mom, Alexander. In that case, don’t you worry that something might happen to me?” Upon hearing her say so, Alexander immediately got anxious. “Elise—” However, Elise replied, “I’m not joking with you. Right now, I just want to move on and live my life with Grandpa and Grandma. My engagement to one of the Griffiths was decided by Grandpa and Grandpa Griffith back then. Now that Grandpa Griffith has passed away and Grandpa doesn’t want me to marry into the Griffith Family, it’s only a matter of course that our engagement is annulled.”

to see how anxious Alexander looked. Rather than staying together with him regardless of the consequences, she wanted to see the man doing well. “I’ll clarify the matter between us, Alexander. Just go back early if you’ve got nothing else to say.” With that, she turned around and left without looking back, ignoring Alexander no matter how he called

together, though she didn’t feel any better. It would be fine if she only had a quarrel with Alexander, for they could at least get back together happily

secrets from each other, but they had been separated for years. At the moment, she no longer had the strength to talk about her relationship with Alexander. Surprisingly, Jessica came to her the next day and even brought many presents for Robin and Laura. Upon learning that it was Jessica, Robin

Elise to hang out with her. Not only that, but they also had their outing mapped out scrupulously. Elise knew Robin and Laura were worried that she might suffer from depression, and they thought it good that her childhood best friend could come and keep her company. However, she really didn’t have much energy for it under the present circumstances. Just then, Jessica asked, “I can tell that you’re feeling down. You’d better give vent to your emotions, or it’ll

Elise I know isn’t someone who would be defeated by some minor difficulties!” Elise replied with a sigh, “But his family spurns me. You didn’t see the extreme lengths his mother had gone to. She even dared to stab herself with a knife to force him to break up with me.”

see me, Jessica, but I don’t feel like going out these days.” “Well, in that case, all the more you need to have fun. How about I take you to a party tonight? If you’ve made up your mind, then you should get over him as early as possible. Don’t let him keep on pestering you either, or you two will torture yourselves to death, no?” Jessica asked while offering Elise a piece of advice. Elise

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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