Chapter 316 The Masked Man,Coolest Girl in Town

Laura let out a sigh with a doleful look. “Let’s send more people out and throw money at it. Otherwise, Elise will be left alone when we die.” Ever since she and Robin took Elise back from the orphanage and kept her around them, they had been treating her as their own granddaughter. If it weren’t for the present reality, they really wanted to keep it a secret and keep Elise by their side. However, their lives were finite. Robin replied, “I’ll have it arranged according to the situation. Sigh! Alexander’s a nice brat, but his mother’s lost her mind!” He subconsciously struck the ground with his stick.


When he recalled Madeline’s tone of voice when she had spoken to them the other day and the extreme lengths she had gone to, he was instantly filled with anger. Laura patted him on the back. “Alright, calm down now. Aren’t we going to teach her a lesson? We’ve got to let her know that the Sinclairs aren’t a presence that she can look down on as she pleases!” “Okay.” Robin nodded and immediately made a phone call. Meanwhile, Elise arrived at the party with Jessica. The party was a feast for the eyes as drinks flowed freely among the guests. However, Elise noticed that everyone at the party was dressed in either a suit or an evening dress.

not only good-looking but also well-proportioned in stature. Is this… She turned to look at Jessica in shock. Jessica let out a chuckle. She explained, “It’s a matchmaking party, but I was afraid that you wouldn’t come with me if I told you about it. Why don’t you just grab a handsome guy and take a picture with him to tell your boyfriend to give up?” Elise was rendered speechless. It was never necessary to end her relationship with Alexander in such a way, and besides, she didn’t like such occasions either.

anything else. I just didn’t want you to forget that there are plenty of other fish in the sea. It’s okay if you don’t feel like seeing someone else. Just help me check out my date then!” I’ll be in trouble if Elise leaves. That guy has explicitly told me to bring

enough, someone even flaunted his educational background, his property deeds, the keys to his luxurious cars, and his credit cards, looking for a wife on the spot! To top things off, this guy was pretty handsome. Jessica couldn’t help but ridicule, “Does that guy even need to come looking for a

that masked man!” Elise felt Jessica shaking her arm vigorously, so she could only follow the latter’s gaze… She saw a man dressed in a black suit, who was about six feet tall and wearing a silver mask. Holding

though. “Ugly? Elise, how could such a man be so attractive if he isn’t handsome in the first place?” Elise turned to look at Jessica in surprise. Is she taking a shine to him? Jessica

WhatsApp number’s fine. Of course, it’ll be best if we can add you on WhatsApp.” For the first time in her life, Elise didn’t know whether to stand or leave as she stayed beside Jessica. The man nodded. “Sure. Add me then.” However, he signaled Elise to add his contact information instead. Elise was dumbfounded. It was

the same, anyway.” She even shook Elise’s arm while pleading with her. As a result, Elise had no choice but to add the man on WhatsApp. “I’ve got something to deal with, so I’ve got to go. Let’s chat later on WhatsApp,” the masked man said. Then, he turned around and left. Elise immediately forwarded the man’s WhatsApp number to Jessica, but the latter snatched her phone away. “Hey, don’t delete his WhatsApp number so quickly. Do you think he’ll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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