Chapter 356
Jeremy had always been the target of paparazzi because of his status and his behavior. This time around, the news of him and Johan being imprisoned was instantly on the trending page.
Everyone had been guessing the identity of the mastermind who dared to challenge the Olson Family’s dignity.
Meanwhile, all hell broke loose in the Olson Family as well.
“Elise is the one who caused my son to go to jail? Which family is she from?”
“I have no idea,” the policeman replied truthfully in a timid voice.

“I only know that her fiance is Alexander Griffith and he is indeed not an ordinary man.”

As soon as Amelia heard Alexander’s name, she instantly knew who he was.
After all, the circles of the upper-class society were tightly knitted, so everyone knew each other fairly well. Whenever they gathered, they would complain and gossip apart from carrying out some entertainment activities.
From what I have heard from Madeline, I bet Elise is the girl from the countryside who clings onto Alexander and wants to use the Griffith

is under a spell. Alright. In that case, I will help Madeline to weed the trouble from her family to vent my anger! “Where is she now?” Amelia asked with a darkened face. “She is a student of Tissot University, so I think she might be on campus now,” the policeman

a good look at what this vixen looks like.” With that, she left in her

At this moment, Elise and Addison were attending their lectures. Just as the lecturer was about to play his powerpoint slides, they heard a shrill woman’s voice.
“Elise Sinclair of the Mathematics Faculty, don’t let me look for you in every classroom and get your *ss out of there!”
Even though Amelia was quite far away, Elise’s name had clearly rang throughout the entire lecture hall.

well-tempered man who decided to ignore this and he merely tapped on the blackboard to remind the students to pay attention to him. However, Amelia did not throw in

you dare to do whatever you like, you should dare to man up to your actions. I dare you to come out to meet me now! Stop hiding there like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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