Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 357

At this moment, Amelia took measure of the woman before her.
The woman was dressed in a plain and simple manner. Her clothing was decent and tasteful, and even her face was ordinary with nothing remarkable about it. It was only that her gaze seemed deep and unruly-Amelia could tell at first glance that the woman was not one to be easily messed with.
However, Amelia wasn’t an easy target to pick on either. Thus, she took control of her emotions and rocked up to Elise in her pair of stilettos.
Since the world wasn’t lacking in gossip, the academic building was packed to the brim with curious onlookers within seconds.
“Elise Sinclair?”

As Amelia was already a tall woman, her heels had allowed her to tower half a head over Elise; currently, she had her chin lifted loftily and was imperiously looking down at Elise.
The Olson Family had been doing well in Tissote all these years. Amelia hadn’t needed to display her arrogant manner to others in a while; in her imagination, her stature was enough to weaken the knees of these country bumpkins.
However, the truth was that Elise had folded her arms across her chest and sneered at Amelia, looking so scornful that she might as well be watching a clown perform at the circus.

The treatment that Amelia had never experienced before irritated her so much that she raised her voice as she repeated, “I asked you whether you were Elise Sinclair.”
With her expression still the same, Elise remained quiet and stared at Amelia for a moment before calmly replying, “Sorry, I don’t speak with strangers. Personal habit.”
The answer made Amelia gasp angrily. Stranger Personal habit? How dare she!
Amelia was the apple of the Olson Family’s eye! How dare this yokel behave like she is above my level!
Elise was as what Madeline had said-truly ignorant to etiquette and ungrateful to her superiors to the point where she spoke rudely to an elder.

Thus, after a moment of thought, Amelia raised a hand before she dropped it to slap Elise’s cheek so hard that Elise’s head turned to one side.
“This is for your disrespect,” she told Elise, narrowing her eyes haughtily, before raising another hand. “And this is for your lack of sense!”

Yet, before the second blow could land on her, Elise had caught hold of Amelia’s wrist.
A surprised Amelia met Elise’s gaze once more only to notice that the previously clear eyes were now filled with a murderous rage. More importantly, Elise’s slender fingers were so powerful that they felt like they were going to snap Amelia’s wrist in half at any second.
“I was careless to let you hit me the first time, but you don’t actually think you could be so lucky, do you?” Elise growled in a bloodthirsty manner.

much pain that she had scrunched her face. As she gritted her teeth and hissed, she involuntarily leaned into Elise, trying in vain to alleviate the pain in her wrist, while snapping at the bodyguards behind her, “Are you all dead? Hurry up and help me!” Only then did the bodyguards come to their senses and rush toward Elise. However, as soon as they arrived closer toward her, she displayed her martial prowess

the upper floors, Addison had hurried downstairs without thinking, only to realize that Elise had single handedly dealt with all three of them. “I’m fine,” Elise answered slowly as she glanced behind her. “Take a step back, Addy. I don’t want you to get hurt by accident.” “Okay.” A helpless Addison nodded before retreating into the doorway of the academic building to watch from afar, Seeing that Elise had dealt with the bodyguards, Amelia surrendered and tossed her shoulder bag

if Elise had endured being slapped, what else could the woman get away with? Thus, she exerted force without mercy, which caused Amelia’s knees to give out beneath

click and it caused her so much pain that she began to cry. “Help me, please!

Upon seeing that, the bodyguards no longer had the courage to approach the two women.
By now, even the school security guards had rushed over and were shocked to witness this scene.
They had been told that there were outsiders causing trouble.

other party. It’s against the rules to pick fights in school! If there’s any quarrel between you both, we can see the dean for mediation. Please don’t make

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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