The statement was like a wake-up call to Amelia.
Based on Alexander’s capabilities, there was no doubt the power in the Griffith Family would eventually end up in his hands.
It meant that even if she could get away with what she did today, her precious son would suffer in the future.
After everything that happened recently, the Olson Family Clan was badly affected.

There was no saying whether they would be able to preserve their position in Tissote even after using up half of the resources that they had previously saved. Hence, it would be sheer folly to go up against the Griffith Family now.

However ambitious Amelia might be, she was still a mother. What wouldn’t she do for her children?

And so, after a long moment of consideration, she swallowed and turned away from the door that she had begun to walk toward. Going up to Elise, she lowered her head and said in a small voice, “I’m sorry. I’m to blame for what happened today.”

Her voice was only slightly louder than a mosquito’s hum.

knew I would be going deaf at such a young age. Did someone say something?” The Olson cousins’ reputation was known so far and wide that there

would have a complete falling out so that he would have free rein to teach both the cousins

her heart for saying such a thing before reluctantly repeating more loudly, “I’m sorry, Miss Sinclair. I shouldn’t have hit you. I hope

That was the most she could do. If they continued to make things difficult for her, then she wouldn’t hesitate to have a fall out with them. At worst, the two families would just fight to the death.

her. Some people did not know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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