After stepping out of the office with Danny and Alexander, Elise did not return to class.
Being a discerning man who had no wish for becoming a third wheel, Danny found an excuse to leave. “Well, since everything has been resolved, I should go. I need to prepare for the SK Group’s assessment.”
“The SK Group?” Elise asked with a rare look of interest on her face.
“Yup.” Danny nodded before elaborating with considerable pride, “You know the FBI?

The SK Group is something like that, but with a broader scope of business. Basically, as long as you have a request, they should be able to get it done for you. Previously, they were active on the dark web, but this is the first year that they’re openly recruiting members. All of the powerful families in Tissote have their eye on

“Is that so?” Elise’s reaction was rather indifferent.
All of a sudden, Danny got the impression that he was speaking to a brick wall. At first, he thought she was familiar with the SK Group because she had an identity as a hacker, but it seemed even she had domains that she was unfamiliar with.

For a moment, he was at a loss. After spending so long with Alexander, Elise seemed to have become much more taciturn, giving Danny the impression that she was no longer as approachable as she

Thankfully, his phone chimed at that moment, rescuing him from the awkwardness.
After pulling out the phone and reading the notification on it, he said, “I’ll elaborate some other time. They’re hounding me now. I’ll see you later.”

said mildly. On the way back to Elise’s dormitory, the couple ran into Miller and Addison, who looked like they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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