In the winter, Tissote’s skies grew dark rather early. By 6.00 PM, the lights in the living room had to be turned on.
For tonight’s dinner, Elise had prepared some food to be shared with the others at the dinner table. Even though the dishes were nothing but ordinary home-cooked food, they were fragrant and colorful.
As Jeanie sat down at the dinner table, she nearly drooled. “Looks like I’ll be having more servings than usual tonight.”
Robin chuckled warmly in response.

“Good, good. Don’t be a stranger. Make yourself at home.”
“Of course I will. I haven’t experienced such a homey atmosphere in a long time.” All of a sudden, Jeanies throat itched. When she recalled Bertha staying all alone at the Anderson Residence, she couldn’t help sniffling with her head lowered.
Since the rest of them knew what Jeanie had been through, they could only watch on sympathetically without saying anything.
Realizing that she had brought the mood down, Jeanie hurried to tuck her feelings away and commented, “Ah-look at me misspeaking again.

Let’s drop the issue and start eating. We can’t let Elise down!”
“Indeed! One can’t function on an empty stomach. Once you’ve eaten, you’ll find the strength to go up against anything!” Laura hurried to add.
And so, the atmosphere dissolved into harmony once more, with both food and laughter being shared around the dinner table.

It wasn’t until the sound of high heels clicking against the ground that the sound of laughter abruptly stopped.
Standing on the stone step of the open doorway was Madeline, staring at the full dinner table in confusion and feeling an indescribable sense of pressure.

come all the way there. So, left with no other choice, Elise could only stand up and welcome her in. After

that as leverage, she began to approach the topic in a roundabout way. **Truthfully, I quite like Elise, but she’s still young enough to be impulsive and incapable of looking at the broader picture. I think she still

so that she could criticize their precious granddaughter? Even Jeanie found the woman’s remarks to be amiss, so she commented blindly, “Ah -children have their own opinions these days. The times are different now. There’s nothing we as elders can do but put up with it. Now, Mrs. Griffith, try some of

away. This is what the lower classes are like-even with so many people crammed around a

Naturally, everyone at the dining table took Madeline’s naked disdain to heart. Even the usually good-tempered Jeanie couldn’t help showing a sliver of unhappiness.

up her mind to talk Elise into reconsidering the marriage. After all, it involved not only Elise but two families as well. A wrongful marriage would very well

folk lack the social finesse that you possess and

is a member of one of heir family has always Tissote’s most powerful clans-the Olson Family Clan. Now, their family been on good terms with the Griffiths and our two families have many involved interests. A fall out would bring about unimaginable consequences.

Madeline was momentarily cowed before she could resume her overbearing demeanor. “At any rate, since you’re to become the Griffith Family’s daughter-in-law, you’ll have to put the interests of the Griffiths first. Don’t forget-you’re Alexander’s fiancée. Everyone will remember your impulsive actions as the actions of the Griffith Family.

his drink to spill in a puddle. “Forget about the marriage, then!” he shouted From the very beginning, the Sinclairs had found the Griffith Family’s relationships to be too complicated, anyway. They never wanted Elise to be in too much contact with Alexander, especially

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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