Worried about leaving the two elderly people at home alone since Jeanie was staying overnight, Elise decided not to remain at the dormitory that night.
On the way home, she remembered what Danny had said, so she suddenly asked, “Does the Griffith Family really require the $K Group’s power?”
“Not really. That organization operates on the fringes of the law and isn’t easily controlled. It’s just that other families are vying for it as well, and we’d be at a loss if we didn’t catch up” Alexander answered casually, more focused on driving.
“I see.So, it’s in high demand simply because many people are vying for it.” She turned her head to look at him. “And you? Are you intending to ally with them?”
With a mild chuckle, he answered, “I don’t really wish to.” After a pause, he elaborated, “It’s not that I’m so against it, either; in fact, as long as the SK Group ignores all of the families, the fuss will die off very quickly.”
“They sound like a sh*t stirrer based on how you’re talking about them,” she teased.

Alexander chuckled deeply in response. “If they heard you say that through a wiretap, we would be in big trouble.”
“They wouldn’t dare,” she responded without elaboration.
Somewhat surprised by Elise’s reply, Alexander studied her casually through the rearview mirror, but she had already turned her head away, obviously having no intention to explain herself. So, he dropped the topic.
Meanwhile, ever since leaving the police station, Madeline had been acting soullessly.
Her mind kept replaying the words that Elise and Alexander had said to her before they left.

Even when Adam set her lunch out in front of her, she didn’t respond.
“Are you okay? You’ve been acting strangely ever since we returned this afternoon.” He finally put down his fork, intending to have a good talk with her.

“I’m fine,” she replied absent-mindedly.
To Madeline, Adam had never paid much attention to the family’s activities, so there was no point in discussing her concerns with him now.

the topic, he opened his mouth, about to say something when her cell phone rang. Without looking at the caller ID, she put the phone to her ear. “Yes?” “It’s me, Mrs. Griffith. Do you have time to talk?” Upon

tone was calm and not the least bit beseeching. After a lifetime of being put on a pedestal, she had her

affairs based on what’s happening right in front of our faces alone. Given that both the Olson and Griffith Family are famed and respected clans in Tissote, we’re bound to have interactions again in the future. Wouldn’t you agree?” “I understand. It’s simply that…” In all honesty, Madeline

hesitation in her voice, Amelia immediately hardened her attitude. “Jeremy and Johan are responsible for the future prosperity of the Olson Family Clan. If anything happens to them, I dare not guarantee that no one else within my family would take drastic action. By that point, the situation will have deteriorated beyond our control!” Miserably, Madeline

to have one more

After yet another moment of silence, Madeline finally threw caution to the wind and said into the phone, “I’ll try, but I can’t make any guarantees. Also, Mrs. Shoal, don’t think this is because the Griffiths are afraid of the Olson Family Clan. If anything, I’m merely humoring you!”
With that, Madeline hung up.

wasn’t going to let anyone intimidate her just like that. Nevertheless, setting her anger aside, she opened up her contacts and located a number with a gray avatar next to it. And then, she made a call to the number. Very quickly, the call connected. Without making any small talk, she got straight to the point. “Where is he?” Only after going to the supermarket and buying a ton of ingredients did Elise and Alexander

her state of mind, there wasn’t much Jeanie could do but rinse the vegetables. Glad to see Elise, she began to start

Miss Sinclair.” “I don’t think that’s the case. There are many such women in the world,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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