“Who are you? What right do you have to stick your nose into other people’s business?” Madeline was powerless in front of Alexander, but she was never afraid of outsiders.
“I’m not qualified to say anything, but at least I know how to be nice to other people. If you want others to do something for you, you must first look at what you have done to others rather than controlling other people’s lives just because you think you are superior.” It was rare for Jeanie to have a clear mind and she didn’t plan to stop her mouth now.

“People usually see themselves in other people. If you’re saying that Elise is plotting something against the Griffith Family, does that mean your initial family was more powerful before you married into the Griffiths?”
“You—” After Madeline’s true intentions were exposed, she was left speechless, so she put on a disdainful look as if she was too noble to argue with her. “Barbarians! You are all barbarians! The truth is there for everyone to see, so I won’t waste my time arguing with you!”
“Enough!” Elise shouted while holding Laura in her arms.

“Alexander, you better take your mother away; otherwise, I can’t promise what will happen to her!” A dark aura seemed to have enveloped her entire body.
Robin and Laura were her absolute limit, so she would never allow someone else to hurt them no matter who they were.
At the moment, Elise looked like a cold and lonely demon that just crawled out of hell, and it was a side of her that Alexander had never seen before.
At that point, he began to feel anxious as he knew that if he didn’t do anything quickly, he would no longer be able to enter Elise’s heart.
Without any hesitation, he grabbed Madeline’s wrist and dragged her out forcefully.

The Griffith Family’s car was parked at the entrance, so he immediately shoved his mother inside and slammed the door shut.
“Send her back home.”
After giving the driver his order, Alexander turned around and ran back into the Sinclair Residence.
Madeline didn’t even have the chance to call out to him, only feeling a sense of loneliness inside her heart.
Sighing, she took out her phone and called Amelia.

*Mrs. Shoal, I’m afraid that I can’t help you.”

me?” Amelia sneered. “Mrs. Shoal, how could you say that?” Madeline didn’t expect Amelia to bite back at her, and she was rather infuriated. “Do you know that I had a big fight with my son because of you? How could you suspect that I’m stalling you? If I wanted to find

thing to say-if anyone dares to touch my son, I won’t hesitate to give my own life to protect him! Mrs. Griffith, I hope you know what you are doing!” “Hey” Before Madeline could speak, the call ended. Upon seeing that, she angrily threw

other hand, was holding onto her grandmother tightly, as if she was a little kid who was afraid to let go of her precious toy. Looking at the situation, Alexander felt an ache inside his heart, and he felt it hard to catch his breath Then, his phone rang. “Hello, did you call an

move.” Elise suddenly reached out to grab his wrist with a

Just as Alexander approached her, Elise seemed to come to her senses and her pretty eyes flashed with a sharp light. The very next second, she entrusted Laura to Jeanie and rushed into her bedroom.
When she came back, she had a set of needles in her hands.
Elise then laid out the silver needles on the coffee table and turned toward Alexander. “Help me move Grandma here. Be careful.”

With a few helping hands, they finally helped Laura to lie flat on the couch, unharmed Then, Elise skillfully picked out some of the thinnest silver needles on the coffee table before sticking them into Laura’s head and hand. As soon as she stuck in the last needle, Laura immediately took a deep breath

breathed a sigh of relief. “You’re fine, Grandma. We’ll go to the hospital later on to do a detailed check-up.” I’ve always kept a close eye on Grandma’s lifestyle so logically, she should be strong enough to endure the anger that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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