Elise did not give any response. Instead, two hot tears escaped her eyes and fell on Alexander’s hand. It felt so hot that his heart skipped a beat.
The person before him seemed to have lost her soul. I have to find her! he thought.
Panicked, Alexander had no choice but to stimulate her using another method. “If you don’t pull yourself together, who will help you to search for the person who harmed Grandma? Elise, both Grandma and Grandpa need you. You can’t afford to collapse at this moment!”
The next instant, Elise’s soulless eyes regained focus and she released both her hands. He’s right.

I haven’t taken revenge on the person who harmed Grandma, so I can’t afford to lose my sense now. Since it’s poison, there must be an antidote or a cure. I will save Grandma’s life even if I have to turn the world upside down.
Returning to her senses, Elise took a deep breath. Her eyes were not as tender and watery as before; right now, they were sharp and full of determination, and most would not dare to meet her gaze.
Meanwhile, Alexander felt relieved that Elise was back to her usual self and he asked, “Dr. Davis, is there any cure?”
“I can’t be sure right now.

We have to conduct further tests and do some checkups, but we can try some powerful drugs. The effect will depend on its clinical manifestation.”
Thomas Davis had encountered plenty of complicated conditions having been a doctor all these years, but he had never seen any symptoms like what Laura was showing at the moment. Hence, even he himself was not confident that he could treat the patient.
“I understand.” Elise nodded. “I’ll leave the treatment to you, but I would like my grandmother to receive supplementary traditional medical treatment as well simple acupuncture treatment, to be exact.

I suppose that won’t affect your treatment, will it?”
“Not at all.” Thomas shook his head. “I happen to know a professor from the Institute of Traditional Medicine. I’ll invite him over and we will have a joint consultation. I believe that we will receive some good news soon.”

However, Elise rejected his kind offer and she murmured, “No, thank you. I don’t feel comfortable leaving this to others. I’ll handle the traditional medicinal treatment myself.”
Thomas was stunned to hear that. Although he knew Elise was not insulting him, he was still astonished by the confidence that this young lady radiated.

medicine is a vast and profound subject. You have to be skillful in it in order to use it in clinical treatment. Old Mrs. Sinclair’s condition doesn’t allow any flaws.” To him, Elise was a young lady who, at the very most, was able to maintain her composure during critical times. Perhaps she was passionate about acupuncture, but she still lacked reverence toward diagnosis and treatment of

but you missed the fact that no one knows my grandma’s condition better than I.” With that, she rose up and left the office. Looking at her walking away in confidence, Thomas felt inexplicably frustrated. He was the youngest attending physician in Tisotte. Countless patients and their family members scrambled to have him treat them

this lady named Elise Sinclair made him feel as if he was a quack doctor who cheated people out of their money, a nobody who no one could recognize when he was out and about, or someone who didn’t deserve any attention or respect. “Is she the fiancée that you chose?” Thomas raised his left brow, a depressed look on

“There’s no use even if I understand that. Didn’t you hear what she said? She said that she wants to treat the old lady herself. That’s complete nonsense!”

be a beginner in the field, yet she was going to practice her skills on a patient whose life was at

look in his gaze when he heard Alexander’s explanation. Just as he had mentioned, Laura’s first episode was the most critical one. She would have lost her life if something had


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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