Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 398: You’re on the Losing End of the Deal!

“Do I not look the part?” Nathan shrugged.

“No,” Danny replied in an ever so monotonous sounding tone. With that, he went right over to Elise and announced dramatically, “Elise, you’re the only one who can help me now!”

“What’s the matter?” Elise always preferred to cut to the chase.

“Help me look for someone with your genius computer skills!” Danny said.

Elise simply looked at him as she awaited his next words.

“Claude Strike!” Danny began to explain, saying, “You know I’m busy trying to join SK Group these days, right? Just now, the recruiter sent out the entrance exam, and the task is to locate Claude, the legendary doctor!”

Claude himself was part of SK Group, so his tracks were hidden by the group themselves.

Wouldn’t it be counterintuitive to ask newbies to take on this challenge? “What’s the other task?” Elise asked, trying to keep her hopes up.

“What other task?” Danny looked extremely confused.

Elise was speechless, and her eyelids dropped. This guy doesn’t even know that the entrance exam for SK Group always has two options to choose from! Well, it’s not like I can do anything about it. “Never mind that. Where did you get the exam information from?”

“Someone in the field. It’s like an endless hierarchy, very complex stuff. I had to pay 200,000 to register.”

Elise had never been so speechless in her entire life. He’s on the losing end of the deal! Does this guy even think? He paid them money and promised to help them look for Claude free of charge!

“Can you still contact the person who took your registration fee?” Elise looked at Danny, exasperated.

“Yep.” Danny nodded innocently. “He gave me a private number.”

arms and said

I haven’t even found

have,” Elise

him up right now. Haha! I’m going to be the only person who joined the group

took out his phone and managed to find the person on his contacts list. He then proceeded to make the call before the other


opposite him and tried to get

didn’t get the message. He covered the receiver

said, get him to meet

right, okay!” Danny was stunned, but he gave her an

few minutes later, he jumped in excitement and

soon as Danny finished speaking, Nathan couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Then, he put a hand to his mouth in an attempt to hide

all. They had claimed that Nathan never even smiled, much less laughed, but the

laughed like a wicked man, and he really wanted

though he appeared

her to challenge the man, asking, “Do you

to comprehend. “Big business deals are made at The Waterway Restaurant all

Patting her shoulders, he said, “Your friend is a little, uh, naive.”bAfter saying that, he strode outside with the expressionless man who had rushed into the room just

that?” Danny glared warily at Nathan’s figure. He must be

decided not to answer the question and changed the topic. “What time

evening at 9,”

it,” Elise replied before throwing the remaining three darts in her hands. The darts landed

and by the time he had come to, Elise was gone.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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