Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 399: Elise Will Not Be Marrying You

It was early in the morning the next day when Austin visited the Sinclair Residence with Jeanie. They were getting along well at first, but when they talked about where Elise should belong in the future, Robin and Laura started to take on less friendly behavior.

The atmosphere was tense for a long while, then Austin broke the silence.

“Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, you have taken good care of Elise all these years. However, she must return to where she came from. She has Anderson’s blood running in her veins, and no one can change that. We wish for her to come back to us, but it doesn’t mean that she has to cut off ties with the Sinclairs. We just want to fill in the missing parts of her life. I hope you can understand.”

Robin nodded, for there was nothing wrong with Austin’s words. However, when he thought of Elise’s lonely return home yesterday, he wasn’t quite willing to let go.

As soon as Elise left their line of sight, they wouldn’t know of her sufferings or anything that happened to her among that den of snakes.

Laura cut to the chase as she said right out, “Mr. Anderson, according to what I know, your second daughter isn’t easy to get along with, correct? How can you guarantee that Elise would be safe when she goes over to your place?”

Austin nodded. “I understand your concerns, but Elise is our biological daughter. She has gone through so much suffering, so we’ll give her all the love we can when she returns. We’ll take extra care of her, and we’ll treat her way better than her other siblings.”

“A sensible calculation.” Laura refused to believe him as she asked, “The Sinclairs have everything that Elise needs, so if she continues staying here, she would be the only precious daughter of the Sinclairs. However, if she returns to the Andersons, she’ll have to compete with her other siblings and counter all the plots they’ll pit against her. She’s better off remaining as she is!”

“I… am afraid that’s not possible,” said Austin. “I have already sent orders to prepare the ceremony where she would be recognized as an Anderson. Soon, the whole city, even the whole country, will know that Elise is my daughter. If she continues to stay outside, people might think that we’re treating her unfairly.”

“It’s a matter within the family, so you shouldn’t care about what others think. In the end, you’re just trying to benefit the Anderson Family.” Robin waved his hand. “That’s enough talking. You cannot have Elise, and that’s final!”

again, and Joshua took the

is just a child you picked up, and she’s not even a real Sinclair. Now her own family is coming to take her back, and they have every right to do so. Why are you holding on to her so firmly? You have taught me to be a good person, but now, you’re just like

“You have no right to speak here. Just the sight of you drives me mad, so

it!” Joshua retorted. He couldn’t care less about his pride. As long as he stuck around with the

words. He hit his cane on the

the circumstances in your family, but I can see that Elise won’t be entirely happy even if she stays here. Since it’s the same on both sides, it’s only reasonable that she stays with her

toward Joshua, as if hinting that with Joshua’s presence, this family

the side door. The look in her eyes was cold, and it roused

at the people gathered in the room, then she raised her voice and announced. “Since everyone’s here, I’ll say this one last time. No matter how my identity changes, as long as Grandpa and Grandma

have a part of the family. You know well that it belongs

else; she just wanted to be with her daughter. Elise looked

suddenly rang. He frowned as he unlocked his phone, immediately jumping to his feet when he read the message he received. Jeanie leaned over to look, but Austin

asked. She knew something was

just some spam mail.” Austin steeled his expression

said, “Since you wish to live with them, we’ll let you have your way. However, we still expect you to be there for the ceremony. This is your responsibility, all

of the hall, Elise’s cold voice rang behind him. “There’s no need to wait. I have no interest whatsoever

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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