Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 405: Think Before You Speak

Meanwhile, Faye arrived in the front yard with Johan right beside her. Both of them were seen standing under a tree while facing away from the living room, seemingly brooding on something.

At the same time, Elise, who was walking Jeanie to the living room, instantly reacted with a glacial look on her face when she was greeted by them. Upon hearing footsteps, Johan looked up and gently pulled Faye’s sleeve. Then, Faye walked closer to them and asked, “Mom, Elise, how is Trevor?”

“Hmph!” Jeanie shook off her hand in an annoyed manner. “What’s wrong? Can’t wait to see your brother dead so that no one will fight you over the inheritance?”

At that moment, a disdainful look flashed across Faye’s face before it was quickly replaced by a helpless look. “Mom, this is seriously a misunderstanding! Trevor has always treated me well, so why would I want to see him dead?”

“I beg to differ. After all, we don’t know what a person is thinking in his or her head unless we’re one family!” Jeanie didn’t believe Faye’s words as she seized Elise’s hand and entered the living room. Soon, Trevor showed up upon changing his clothes.


“Trevor!” Faye agitatedly rushed to her brother, hugging him while resting her head on his chest. “This is awesome! I’m so happy to see you!”

Trevor was caught off guard by Faye’s sudden reaction, pausing for a while, whereupon he distanced himself from her. Then, he curled his lips upward and faked a smile. “Faye, are you really happy for me?”


Thinking Trevor had something to imply, Faye frowned with a brittle smile on her face as she appeared to be a little awkward. “O-Of course, Trevor. Why do you ask?”

“Nothing.” Trevor gave her an ambiguous look, staring at her with his piercing gaze. “Anyway, you’re a grown-up now, so I guess it’s better for us to keep our distance. After all, it wouldn’t be appropriate for a man to be that close to an engaged woman,” Trevor said while looking at Johan.

a line between Faye and the Anderson Family. In fact, Trevor was aware of what happened the other day.

to keep my family safe, and that starts with keeping

humor, Trevor. I’m still an Anderson even

that’s not always the case.” Trevor put on an ambiguous smile. “You belong with your husband as soon as you’re married. That’s something people always

smile on her pale face. She then quietly stood aside and angrily replied, “Johan

Then, he turned around and approached Elise,

arms tightly wrapped around her, Elise subconsciously wanted to

with passion. Upon taking a deep

their interaction, she clenched

Elise think she is? She is just a peasant who hails from a poor village. God knows how much filth she is carrying with her. Come on, Trevor! Do you seriously want to get your hands dirty by touching her? Am I, like, dead to him? He has no problem hugging Elise but won’t do the same thing with

and felt helpless at the sight of what he saw. It looks like my wife is getting more and more popular, isn’t she? Oh dear, Elise. I guess I’m getting so jealous that I want to hide you from the rest

is actually engaged, and her fiancé is none other

Trevor slowly let go of Elise and turned his attention to Alexander. When the two men exchanged gazes with each other, they tacitly nodded as a gesture to greet each other. Then, Trevor casually replied, “That doesn’t matter. After all,

no longer a kid

little and set his eyes on her in a surprised manner. “Seriously, Faye? Are we doing this right now? I remember you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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