Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 406: I’ll Kill You Before I Take My Own Life

Faye’s eyes were filled with murderous intent, as she couldn’t stand the fact that even Johan, whom she called a piece of crap, would look down upon her.

Why did you return, Elise? Everything was fine until you came back. I was the one who had been watching over the Anderson Family over the years, so what makes you think you can just come back and take away all my credit and the love that was meant for me? No! This is not how it’s supposed to work. You’re never going to take what’s mine away!

After the brief yet intense argument between Faye and Johan, things ended on a sour note.

Meanwhile, Trevor looked at Elise after they managed to make Faye and Johan leave the courtyard in a pique. “Pack your stuff and come with me, Elise. Don’t hesitate because I won’t let anyone hurt you as long as I’m in the Anderson Family.”


Robin and Laura nodded their heads, thinking the man from the Anderson Family was not entirely silly as he was known to be. Deep down, they were happy that their granddaughter was finally reunited with her original family.

Nonetheless, Elise shook her head and replied, “No, it’s just way too inconvenient for me to stay at the Anderson Family because I still have to treat my grandmother.”


“I see. I understand.” Trevor nodded and walked closer to Laura and Robin. “If both of you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to arrange a bigger house for everyone in the Sinclair Family to live in. By then, both of you could move into the house with my mother. What do you say?”

“Trevor, are you moving in too?” Knowing her son’s decisiveness, Jeanie couldn’t help but worry about Austin, whom she loved deeply despite his silliness. After all, she couldn’t bear to leave him alone in the house.

“Yeah,” Trevor answered firmly. “We owed Yoyo so much over the years, so I was thinking it would be good for all of us if we stayed close to each other.”

“You don’t have to do this.” Elise felt uncomfortable with Trevor’s enthusiasm. “Not to this extent.”

hours after he woke up from his unconsciousness, which was how he knew Elise was raised by her grandparents and subsequently given a hard time by the Griffith Family. Therefore, when Elise was treating him, he told himself that he would protect his sister from that moment on. I’ll be the person

moment, Elise had no idea what to say and only reacted with silence. In the meantime, Trevor turned his attention

grandson on the inside. Then, he gladly said, “You know what

gazed at Jeanie. “Mom, please summon the maids from our home

about it,”

the place to do what he should. When he walked past Alexander, he paused and put on a stoic expression. “You. Come with

of the house. Standing beside a rock mound just outside the door, Trevor asked Alexander for a cigarette when he got closer. “You got a cig?” Ever since Alexander’s fallout with Madeline, he always carried a pack with him. Thus, he calmly took his cigarette box out of his pocket and handed it over to Trevor with a lighter. Then, Trevor took a cigarette out of the box and lit it up, whereupon taking a puff. Exhaling the smoke into

Alexander bared his heart

which I believe you’re aware. So, if you ever dare to mistreat Elise, I swear I’ll kill you and take my

chance,” Alexander calmly said, filled with

Trevor was like an experienced hunter who found his prey until the cigarette in his hand became too hot for him to hold it any longer. Upon tossing it aside, he stepped on the cigarette and replied, “Well, it’d better be that way.” He then placed the lighter and the cigarette box into his pocket and

returned to Elise in a ponderous manner. At that moment, Faye and Laura were happily chatting with each other as Alexander directly walked

about?” Elise asked in a soft

said he wants to kill me,” Alexander

guys have a bitter history?” Elise

with their sons-in-law well, why do all brothers-in-law have to

don’t know what you’re talking about.” Elise squinted and poked the man’s chest with her index finger while threatening him. “Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you guys

said, “Long story short. If I ever betray your love, I’ll

chuckled and said, “Indeed, if you ever dare to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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