Chapter 414 A Distraction

Elise took a deep breath and answered impatiently, “Ah, that reminds me. I think I rescued him, didn’t I? I don’t seem to recall you doing anything helpful. You have no right to tell me what to do, Faye.”

“Now that’s just unfair, Elise. I was the one keeping the family together before you came back.” Faye justified her actions. “Besides, I’ve been the one taking care of dad over the last few days. You can’t say I did nothing just because you woke him up.”

“Shut up, both of you!” Austin cut them off angrily. “I would have stayed in that coma if I had known the ruckus I was going to wake up to!” Then, he stormed off.

Faye looked Elise in the eye for a moment before going after Austin.

Jeanie stared at the door and clicked her tongue. “That vixen! Your father has fallen for her tricks!”

“Forget it, mom.” Trevor calmed his mother down and tried his best to look up at Elise. “Elise, dad’s got a point. I can’t drag you into this mess. You should just stay out of it.”

“Are you trying to tell me what to do like that man as well?” Elise snapped.

He’s your father after

much of a maverick, as if she didn’t need anyone around. She looked like she didn’t care what anyone thought of her, but he knew she was a softie at heart, though that was only reserved for people who were close to her. Everyone else would remember her as the haughty woman. Maybe that’s how she protects herself. After all, she’s been by herself ever since she was a kid. The mere thought that she was homeless

teased. “You got messed up by a mere thug. Don’t tell anyone you’re

been a catastrophic loss, and she had paid a hefty price for it. Ever since then, she was reluctant to show her true strength to

blame me for this. I was bedridden for years, and this is all I’ve got. There’s like a dozen of them against me. I can’t

miss those days. I was so energetic and youthful. Sometimes I can even save a damsel in distress and make them fall for me.

thought it was amusing that Trevor was so stubborn. She shook her head and told Jeanie, “Get

ends of

the file of Leeroy Field and his family. She thought there must be a mastermind behind them, but after some investigation, she found nothing

still young. Harald took after his father and became a delinquent, but his sister did not. She studied hard and worked part time to pay for her

Trevor actually hurt her? Elise shook her head and brushed the guess

you reading?” Alexander

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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