Chapter 415 To Wear or Not to Wear

Elise realized it was not the time to get embarrassed, so she recomposed herself and got serious as well. “A distraction?” she repeated it, then she understood what Alexander was getting at. “Faye! She did this!”

The first thing Trevor said after he stood up was to marry Faye off. Jeanie had also told Elise that Austin wanted to marry Faye off to Johan first. Only then would he settle the marriage between Elise and Alexander.

Alexander smiled and scraped her nose. “Smart,” he said lovingly.

Now the pieces have fallen into place. Faye wants to keep staying with the family, so she came up with this diversion. However, Elise had looked into it and found out that the Fields never came in contact with anyone. So how did Faye talk them into this? Or did she choose the girl at random for Trevor? Elise couldn’t be sure, but now that she knew how the case happened, it’d be easy to look into it.

They stayed together for a while longer, then Elise went to Trevor’s room.

The medicinal bath was already prepared as per Elise’s instruction. She looked inside and told the caretaker directly, “Take his clothes off.”

It was not the first time Elise made strange requests, so within two minutes, the caretaker had already stripped Trevor of all fabric.

“Put him in the bath, and you may leave,” Elise said again.

“Yes,” the caretakers answered politely and quickly did as Elise said before leaving the room.

Elise looked away and turned to speak to Jeanie and Alexander. “You two should go out too. I’m going to use some needles here, and it’s a bit of a private matter. It’s best that you don’t stay around.”

“Of course, Elise. Don’t push yourself. If you can’t complete it in one session, you can resume the next day. Your brother’s tough. He can endure the pain for a couple more days.” Jeanie held Elise’s hand and patted it.

I, chopped

into trouble, and she has to step in to save you. I’d rather raise a pig at this rate. At least it’s

don’t want to embarrass myself in front of my future

but she didn’t care too much about it. “Tell her to stop if she looks even the least

bleeds for the lack of love from you.

encouraging look before leaving the room. However, Alexander remained rooted to his spot like

leaving?” Elise arched her

Alexander answered calmly. “We’re guys. We don’t really mind, and I

no assistant,” Elise

he said, “Then I shall be

the chamber and stood beside the bath. At the same time, she took the needles out of the pouch

color. Is she going to do something to Trevor Jr.? “E-Elise.” Trevor coughed and shifted the topic stiffly. “I don’t think you’re

you wouldn’t have been beaten to a pulp

to bring


but he would not stand up. Finally, Elise lost her patience. “I’m a professional. Patients are patients, so I don’t care about their gender. Or do you think your wiener

big you might be scared!” He paused for a moment and looked at her melancholically. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman like you.” He gave up arguing and put his hands away before

Alexander took a pair of pants hanging somewhere beside him and tossed it into the

He looked at Alexander before turning to Elise, at a loss

that part and switch you to meds for Trevor Jr., but Alexander’s going to have to pay for those meds.” Well, he stepped in right before I could do anything. If he doesn’t want me to look at it, then he has to

with an unspoken plea in his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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