Chapter 417 Her Life, Worthless

Elise thought Joseph was under someone’s control, but she never thought he’d be in such a dire situation. She looked at him, but she felt no signs of life. “Is he dead?” she asked solemnly.

She hid her feelings well, but Alexander could still tell that she and Joseph shared a deep bond. It was the first time Elise showed so much care to another man in front of him. For some reason, it felt like someone was squeezing his heart, and he felt frustrated. “There’s no reason for anyone to take his body away,” he said calmly. “The coffin has a temperature control mechanism built in, and he has ample oxygen supply. He’s just in a fake death state.”

Elise nodded and went up to open the coffin. When she performed a quick check, she realized Joseph’s condition was far worse than she imagined. The tendons in his limbs were broken, and he was in a coma because of some substance in his body. He seemed fine, but she knew he was a hair’s breadth away from death. She didn’t know what kind of substance was in his body, but she knew he had to have a surgery performed on him as soon as possible.

Then, she called Claude right in front of Alexander. “You have to come back right now,” she said solemnly. “Joseph’s in trouble, and he needs a surgeon. You’re the man for the job.”

“Wait, what? Joseph? But that’s impossible. He was still talking to me before you called,” Claude blabbered quickly.

A frown appeared on her head. “You have to move right now. You’re exposed.”

“Slow down. What are you talking about? First you say Joseph’s in trouble, and now you say he leaked my location? Can you give me a second to process things?”

“No. Just run. I’ll send you a safe route in a second. Use that to come back right now.” Elise hung up and immersed herself in her own thoughts.

Joseph is SK’s top brass and the most trusted, reputable man in the group. He also has the highest security clearance. It’s hard to believe that he’s in trouble, and he sold out his group’s members. However, things had already gone out of control, so all Elise could do was try to save him and cut their losses. Believe it or not, it’s up to them. “Do you have a laptop somewhere?” She looked at Alexander.

in my room,” he

need to use it.” She went toward his

this rate. She clacked away at the keyboard and attacked the enemy’s tracking software. Once she destroyed it, she quickly hid Claude’s signal. A moment later, Claude’s

later, he called Elise. “Oh my god, Father. You were right. I almost got caught. Who’s the enemy? How did they hack us, dammit?” Claude cursed. Holy motherf*cking sh*t. I almost lost some good

“The longer you are outside, the more dangerous it becomes for you. I’ll get a chopper to pick you up. Then you’ll go to the airport and

long as I get to keep my meds, I’ll do anything you ask,” Claude said

Elise hung up.

a moment longer and only came in after she put

even notice him. She kept her eyes on the screen and didn’t even look at him, as if he

back, since it only made Elise ignore him. When Elise stopped working,

“Yes,” Elise answered calmly.

good friends?” he asked

without even hesitating.

his mind. Since he saved her

elaborating, but she said, “I’m going to keep him safe, but it’s going to land me in a whole world of danger and offend a lot of parties. I don’t want to trouble

was starting to have mixed feelings about the matter. Did he really only save her life before? “Don’t you have anything else to say?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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