Chapter 416 An Idiot

Elise felt a warm and fuzzy feeling in her heart. It melted her, and she couldn’t resist his hug. She couldn’t say anything embarrassing either, so she let him hug her as she felt the thump of his heartbeat.

A while later, they went back to the front. Ever since they switched houses, they got new servants, and Maria was the one preparing the meals for them. Once they came back out, Elise told Maria, “Prepare five more portions for dinner tonight.”

“You have guests coming over?” Alexander asked.

“You can say so,” Elise answered vaguely. “Just do as I say, Maria.”

“Yes, Miss Sinclair,” Maria answered and went to the kitchen.

Two hours later, Trevor came back out looking refreshed. “I can beat up ten guys now, no sweat!” He showed his muscles and looked like he was raring to go. Physically, his body did not change in the slightest, so all he had to show was a frail arm. His bones underwent a huge change, but nobody could see that.

Jeanie got up and smacked his head. “What did you say, you brat? You want to get your butt kicked again? Do you have any idea how much your sister had to do to heal you? You’re going to exhaust her, you idiot!”

“Ow, ow, ow, Mom. Stop hitting me.” Trevor dodged his mother deftly, but he couldn’t stop her from chasing him around. “Fine, fine, I’m sorry.” He gave up. “I won’t go into battles I’m not prepared for. I won’t trouble Elise anymore, alright?”

“That’s more like it.” Jeanie stopped after he promised her that.

but he still had that repressed energy within him, and he wanted to vent. He had that chance when dinner

Maria to make five more portions for dinner, but Maria made even more than

from Elise, everyone stopped to look at Trevor, who was gorging on all the food. It was as if a black hole

cutlery down and stopped him. “Alright, I won’t yell at you anymore,

even full yet. You can’t be serious, Mom. I

food here? I know you’re hungry, but

at the table. When he realized that everyone only had some potatoes in their bowl and nothing else, he immediately felt embarrassed.

boy.” Robin smiled. “Great food should be enjoyed. Eat

the chicken drumstick down, since he was worried it might do

the new. All that energy for the change has to come from somewhere. As long as you still feel like you can eat, your body can take it.” She paused for a moment and gave him another

he gnashed his teeth. “Harald’s nothing to your lackeys.

from the table. “If you have realized that, then you have to get stronger as soon

As long as he could have the chance to protect Elise, he had no reason to stop. Trevor took the chicken drumstick

see him eat. They weren’t hungry anyway,

end, he finished all the food on the table. Jeanie asked him if he had his fill, and he burped. “About eighty percent full.” He raised eight fingers. “Can’t eat too much, so

are a pig,” Jeanie mocked him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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