Chapter 421 

Alexander was visibly upset after seeing Elise coming to her friend’s defense, but he knew Elise was only friends with this Max character. His real enemy was the one in the coffin, the one who was a hair’s breadth away from death.

After Elise got control of the situation, she looked at Alexander and told Claude, “He’s in the room. We have to be quick.”

“I understand.” Claude nodded and went into the room where the coffin was kept.

Elise followed him.

Alexander hated seeing Elise looking so worried for another man, but he still went inside after thinking about it for a second. Jackson had always been interested in Alexander’s shenanigans. It was the first time Alexander was being so open, so he went inside as well.

checkup on Joseph, then his brows

is it?”

here are limited. I have to perform a detailed checkup on him and arrange a surgery at

he wake up after

too sure about it himself either. “But I will try my best. If you want him

Since it wasn’t certain that Joseph would wake after the surgery, she would try and extract some useful

already planned. I don’t have anything to worry about, for she is here. Claude took his bag out and rummaged through it until he found a small tube in the hidden compartment. He uncorked

room was silent for around a minute. Eventually, Joseph started stirring, and he slowly opened his eyes. For a moment, he looked energetic, as

Elise went over so Joseph could see her clearly. “We saved you. You can trust us. Tell me, who

she could get some useful

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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