Chapter 422 

“No need for that,” Jackson answered coldly. “But since you’re such an expert, you must have heard of Claude Strike, have you not?”

“No, I haven’t,” Claude answered promptly.

“Do you think I’d believe that?” Jackson gnashed his teeth. This guy knows more than he lets on

“You’re an odd man, Mr. Gleeman. There are a few billion people on this earth, and a lot of them are in the field of medicine. I can’t possibly know each and every one of them,” Claude denied and started joking around without a care. “Is this Claude character your lover, Mr. Gleeman?”

That finally irritated Jackson. His face fell, and he gritted his teeth. “Claude is a man.”

“Oh?” Claude sighed regrettably, and he shot Jackson a weird look. “I didn’t expect you to have a thing for men.”

“I do not!” Jackson growled.

“You do not have to explain yourself. I respect all sexualities. After all, love wins.” Claude gave him an understanding look, as if no matter what Jackson said, Claude would not change his mind anymore.

had enough,

was staring at Joseph, spacing out. A moment later, she asked calmly, “Does Tissote have

said calmly. “I’ll get someone to send it over from Mesdra. They’ll be here in two days, if nothing goes

perform the surgery in two days,” she snapped out of it and said. “Return the coffin

won’t spare any

place. I’ll be going first

for a moment and looked at him. “Come with me,”

at Claude deeply for a

they came to the gate, and Elise stopped. She tuïrred around and frowned at him.

not,” Alexander

secrets. She respected him, but she also hoped he could

struggling with himself, but in the end, he nodded.

lot of details, but for some reason, he greedily wanted her to notice him more. He wanted her to treat him like how she treated the man in the coffin. Maybe I shouldn’t make it hard for her. “Go. I’ll be joining you for dinner,”

he was willing to sit with her,

I’ll tell Maria to make your favorite food.” She smiled at him and went to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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