Chapter 424 

Elise was slightly frustrated after Alexander left. She actually had something to say to him, but now she had to find another time. She turned around and looked coldly at the trickster. “What are you doing?”

“I just want to be closer to you. You don’t have to be so fierce about it, Elise.” Claude put on a tearful act.

Elise loosened her right hand, and the needle in her sleeve fell into her palm. She was ready to attack.

Claude noticed that, so he retreated back into the room at once and stuck out his head just enough for him to see. “Hey, can’t we talk this through? You can’t attack me just like that. At least give me a hint.”

“You asked for it.” She took another step.

her. “Hold it right there! I was just trying to help,

you want to

don’t.” He sighed and came out of

still, Elise sent her needle

out? Oh my god!” Claude had a look of horror on his face. Man, she is the most ruthless woman I have ever

show him any mercy. “Now talk!”

get duped. I want to create a sense of crisis for him so he’d get

jealous?” Elise stared at the ground. Is he jealous? I guess so, but he was already looking weird before Claude came. Claude only

and now I’m living right next to you. Now he must be coming up with

good? How can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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