Chapter 425 

Everyone sat at the table and had breakfast the next day.

Alexander seemed to be in a good mood. He was eating slowly, but it was obvious he looked relaxed, and the main reason for that was Claude. Or more precisely, the condition Claude was in.

He was covered in a thick blanket, and it almost encompassed his head. The heater was right beside him, but he was still shaking. Even when he was trying to have some soup, his hand was trembling as if he had Parkinson’s disease.

Elise glanced at him and put her cutlery down. The moment she stood up, she saw two men and a woman coming in, smiling at them.

the right time. Having breakfast, are we?” Russell asked, as if

he heard that voice, and he turned around seriously. “Uncle Russell?

had already set his sights on the company. Over the last few years, he was trying to get himself crowned as president. This man is a hypocrite. Trevor thought his unde truly had no ambition, since he was always smiling. However, he had learnt his lesson, and since

back for a long time, but she hasn’t seen any of her elders yet. Maybe she’s not used to us yet, so I came over. Aren’t you going to welcome me?” Russell gave Trevor a reprimanding look, though he seemed

must be Yoyo.” He looked at her closely and nodded. “You’ve grown into a fine lady.

Elise answered

the past now.” He waved her down and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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