Chapter 426 

Eventually, Tania swallowed her words.

Russell noticed the short exchange, and he was displeased, but he hid it quickly. They say Yoona’s brought up in a village, but I don’t think so. Someone with that kind of aura can’t have grown up in a regular family.

Even though his sister had stumbled, Daniel was in no hurry to come to her defense. Instead, he shifted the topic like he usually would. “And I’m one year older than you. Come to me if you need any help.”

“What kind of help can you give me?” Elise asked without missing a beat.

Daniel was only being polite, but he never thought Elise would take it seriously. He had nothing to answer, and the air was becoming awkward, so he threw out a random reply. “Anything. If someone tries to bully you, or if you run into any trouble, you can come to me for help.”

“Get me a hundred doses of hyacinth serum then,” she answered calmly.

The moment she said that, Claude spewed his soup out. Hyacinth serum? And a hundred of them? Wow, she does not hold back.

Daniel had some knowledge on medicines, since he was the young master of a family of doctors. Hyacinth wasn’t a rare item, so he thought hyacinth serum was just another regular medicine as well. “No problem. You will get your serums in three days,” he accepted the request readily.

Elise looked at him as if he was an idiot. “You have three months. If you can get a hundred doses by then, I’ll acknowledge you as my cousin.”

Claude came over. “Hey, if I get a hundred of them, can I be your cousin too?”

“Buzz off” Elise told him off bluntly.

but he muttered under his breath. “You didn’t have to

brushed it aside. Proudly, he said, “No need. Don’t worry about that, Elise. Leave it to me. If I can’t find a hundred of them in three days, you can

Elise’s eyes glinted slyly. Well, Christmas came early this year. And Santa came to my house

at his sister, a hint of disdain flashed in his eyes. Hmph. In the end, it’s still up to me to complete Dad’s request of befriending

“Do keep in touch. It’s how

come over a lot,”

nodded. He looked around the yard, and when he saw

daughter’s marriage. Not to mention he could use the connection as well. Alexander was on the list, and he was by far the best candidate for

Incorporated and save their pharmaceutical company

heard the rumor about Alexander being Elise’s fiancé, he thought it was just a rumor. I guess that rumor’s true, but they’re

there handsomely, she realized what her father was getting at,

to leave Tania at home every time. She’s really lonely there, so can you

could say anything, Elise refused,

being modest, Elise. You’re a top student in Tissote University. You’re more than qualified to teach her a

refuse us. She’s a hard worker, and she’s a great cook. Let her stay and help

again. “Enjoy your

the hall,

Moses mocked, “Well, someone’s more

to look at his mother. “Are we really letting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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