Chapter 433 I Need to Escape!

“The Andersons?” Maya looked slightly flustered. Although the Anderson and Dahlen Families were in different industries, both families were considered large and powerful families in Tissote. In fact, the Andersons had a longer history than the Dahlens.

After all, the Andersons had a background in medicine—they had saved countless patients’ lives. Through their services, they managed to develop firm connections with many individuals in society. Not every family had the ability to do such a thing. If the Dahlen Family actually got on the Andersons’ bad side, they would definitely be defeated by the Andersons. Maya’s anger died down at that thought.

A few minutes later, they chased Maya out of the house. Maya stared at the front entrance as she howled at the top of her lungs. “Just you wait, Elise!”

Meanwhile, Tania, who had witnessed the entire scene, carefully lifted her legs to tiptoe to the door. I can’t stay here any longer—I need to escape now! It took her a great deal of effort to get to the door, but Elise’s voice rang beside her ear at that moment. “Where are you going, Tania?”

another step toward the door. A look of utter embarrassment spread across Tania’s face as she helplessly put her leg back onto the ground. She turned around to come face-to-face with Elise. “I’m not going anywhere,” Tania said without looking into Elise’s eyes. “I…

just to reduce the awkwardness in the atmosphere. “Hmm. I didn’t know the young lady of the Anderson Family was

bat an eyelid as he looked back into Tania’s eyes. As much as Tania wished to continue losing her temper at Claude, she knew who her true enemy was

value your food,” Elise uttered light-heartedly. “You’ve

giving the question some thought, she finally came up with an answer. “Should I sleep with

be okay?” Elise frowned

if her heart was about to leap out of her throat. “I miss my bed. I should go home to

You’ve just arrived, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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