Chapter 434 Of Course I’ll Bear the Consequences!

Later that night, when the entire residential area was dead silent, a specially modified ambulance came to a halt in front of the house. A short while later, the ambulance drove out of the town with a total of four cars escorting it from the front and back.

About one hour later, in the ICU of a private hospital, two men were standing beside a glass coffin. Thomas took one look at the man inside before he dragged Alexander over to the side. “Didn’t I say this before? He’s a comatose patient—he’s not going to wake up. Why are you sending him over?”

“We need your place to conduct a surgery,” Alexander replied calmly.

“A surgery? For the guy in the coffin? What sort of joke is this?” Thomas was utterly dumbfounded and bombarded Alexander with a series of questions. Although Thomas wasn’t the most experienced doctor, he was still one of the most capable specialists in Tissote. Wouldn’t he be able to tell if a man showed any signs of waking up from a coma? Putting such a patient through surgery would only cause greater harm to the patient’s body.

However, even after Thomas finished speaking, Alexander gazed at him with the same stern expression on his face. Elise, who was standing beside them, had an equally serious look.

“You guys aren’t joking after all.” Thomas was certain when he saw their faces. “No way.” He held his arms out to stop them from moving. “I’m a doctor, and I have the duty to protect patients. You guys are fooling around with another man’s life, and I will not agree to this!”

Thomas had just finished speaking when Claude strolled over in a white lab coat. Thomas noticed Claude from the corner of his eye, and he immediately spun around to realize that Claude was the doctor who was going to conduct the surgery. Thomas hastily leaped forward to stop the man. “Hey! What sort of scammer are you? How could you suggest for the patient to undergo surgery when he’s in this state? Do you know that the patient might die if you make any mistakes with the craniotomy? Are you going to bear the consequences?!”

an innocent look on his face. “I’ll bear all the consequences. You’re such a handsome man, so of course I’ll be

the patient’s life! This is a serious situation—I’m not fooling around with you! Won’t you feel guilty if that man dies? You guys can take risks if you want—just don’t

to our plan eventually.” Claude grinned as he stuck his hands into the

I’d never agree with some rookie doctor like you…” Thomas lowered his head as he spoke, but the very moment he met Claude’s gaze, he noticed grains of white powder being thrown toward him from the side. Thomas held his arm up to block the powder, but it was too late—he had inhaled some of the substance. Moments later, he felt his legs turning to jelly. Thomas clutched onto the wall for support, but he slid

pat Thomas on the head. “Just stay here and wait for us to come out, okay?” Claude said with an evil smile

surgical theater. Soon after that, the red light that said ‘surgery in progress’ lit up above the doors. Thomas knew then that it was too late for him to do anything. He calmed himself down and narrowed his eyes to glare at Elise and Alexander resentfully. The couple was seated on a long bench outside the surgical theater, and Alexander pretended not to see Thomas as he reached

in shock. He was dumbfounded by what they were doing, but he was too weak to react. Are you guys really human? I can’t believe you guys are showing affection to

was almost like Alexander could read Thomas’s mind because just then, Alexander shot a glance at Thomas before looking away. Thomas felt like he was nothing but a piece of furniture in the room. Isn’t anyone going to pick me

hers, and a sense of security filled her insides as she felt the warmth of his hand. It

at her with an enigmatic look

ignoring me if you weren’t angry at me? You haven’t been pestering me for the past

head sideways. “Do you need

intimate her statement was after she finished her words. It was such a primal thing to need someone and to be needed by someone. In the past, Elise had always been an independent woman who could deal with things on her own. However, she realized a shift within her after she

having someone to talk to, and to having someone she could occasionally order around… She got used to Alexander. Alexander had become a constant in her life a long time ago, but Elise hadn’t noticed it in the past. She didn’t want to admit it even after she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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