Chapter 447 Cold Body, Sealed Lips

Clement’s attention was entirely on Elise’s silver needle. He was so caught up in it that he didn’t respond in time. For a typical man, that couldn’t have been more normal; but for a robotic man, who only responded to orders from their masters, as he was, his daze was significantly notable. It wasn’t until every eye in the room turned to him did he regain his senses and carried Jackson out of the room.

“What do we do with this guy?” Claude pointed at Reuben’s corpse.

“Just leave it be.” Elise tranquilly stated, “I’ll have an expert examine his body tomorrow.” Returning to her room, she logged onto SK System and published a request announcement.

‘Emergency forensic wanted. Requirements: proficient, tacit, confidential. Price doubled.’

Shortly after, a user named “guiltypleasure” sent her a private message. ‘Where.’

Elise swiftly replied, ‘Athesea, Tissote. When?’

The user, guiltypleasure, answered, ‘Tomorrow night. Address.’

After Elise sent over the address, the user logged off.

Very soon, it was already the next day.

Three at dawn, Elise walked out of the courtyard house. After waiting for some time at the gates, she saw a figure slowly approaching from the alley. Then, the figure revealed itself under the streetlight and stopped before Elise.

person’s face, Elise squinted her eyes. “It’s you?” He’s the forensic officer who was responsible at the crime scene back in the

his neck

are you here?”

course.” Bartholomew

Science Division, so he’s

means someone

this?” Elise remained still on the

a forensic officer. Even if you don’t trust me, you should trust in SK’s security measures. They wouldn’t let

the rules meant declaring a war against


pockets, followed steadily behind Elise. Walking past the courtyard, he caught a glimpse of Jackson sitting on a chair in the guest room, looking at him, begging

the room that was containing Jackson. Right when Jackson was thinking that he was about to get rescued, Bartholomew swiftly extended his arm and grabbed the door handle before slamming the door shut. Turning around, he revealed a harmless smirk. “You’re not exactly giving me a way out here.” Since Bartholomew was

details. She promised, “Don’t worry. I assure you

but feel wary of him, as if he would stab them in the back when they had their guard down. After he

on what you said, we should kill him first, then you, to be extra cautious, yes?” Elise questioned,

his shoulders and reverted to his mischievous demeanor. “Just kidding,

Elise apathetically ordered, “Come in.

Bartholomew in the

came to a conclusion.

logical inquiry. “He should still live for a brief moment after he bit his tongue, but he died

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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