Chapter 448 First to Renege

“I don’t have experience in inspecting corpses,” Elise perfunctorily answered.

“You don’t? How did you know his lungs had issues, then?” Bartholomew persistently interrogated.

“I checked his pulses when he was still alive. I sensed it then,” she replied.

“Really?” Bartholomew lifted his leg to walk over the doorsill. Standing before Elise, he ambiguously quizzed, “I once met a woman in Africa. She, too, had pointed out the error in my inspection. She goes by the name ‘Eliza.’ Do you perhaps know her?”

“I don’t,” Elise countered without even blinking her eyes. “Your task is complete. You may go now. I’ll transfer the payment over as soon as possible.”

Barthlomew stood up straight, revealing a look as if he had gotten his answer. Swiftly, he took off his latex gloves and turned back into the room to grab his toolbox before walking out of the house. When he passed by Elise, he halted his steps and suggestively stated, “See you soon, then.”

“I’ll see you out.” Alexander sneaked up noiselessly like a ghost.

When they reached the gates, Alexander stopped in his tracks. “Stay away from her.”

Bartholomew slowly turned around and crossed his arms before his chest. “Why, we have a fiancé intending to strip his bride-to-be of her rights to socialize.”

under his lashes. “Pull anything funny and you’ll be the

of fear on his face. “Almost everyone’s

before flaunting his intimidation. “One

one or a pair. Though you should save your threats for when you finally realize what you’re truly facing.” Having said that, he turned around and walked

Alexander eventually

Danny barged into the room. As soon as Danny saw Clement holding Jackson’s face, his eyes instantly glistened, as if he had discovered an

for a second before realizing what the latter was thinking about, and

over and tiptoed into the room. Once he was in the room, he grabbed

him a knowing look, to which the latter rolled his eyes at him. Is this dumbass really


was about to explain, Danny quickly interrupted him as

in charge of Captain Gleeman’s well being. Nothing more.” His utterance was as calm as usual and bore no intention of jesting. Clement had no sense of joking, and that was pretty much a common

let out a fake cough before withdrawing his hand that was on Clement. Deliberately, he went on

a great ability, Clement couldn’t deny it with the facts presented right before him. He saw it for himself that Elise had brought Jackson, who was bigger than himself, down with just a needle within one second. He couldn’t help but to

it?” Danny nodded as if

at him. Is that it, he says? Is he not

huge misunderstanding, Jackson wouldn’t come looking for me after Elise fixed his meridians, would he? Having thought of that, Danny thought it was best that he disappeared from Jackson’s sight. “Please take good care of Captain Gleeman, will you?” Danny patted Clement on the shoulder before hopping out of the room

to keep himself updated. “What did Captain Gleeman do to upset Elise that he ended up that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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