Chapter 454 Healthy With No Bad Habits

Upon hearing that, Elise expressionlessly looked at the man who seemed to be the leader. “You’re the one doing business with him?”

“What? You’ve never heard of the great Nightfall, pretty?” The man’s expression was aggressive and disdainful. “But it doesn’t matter if you haven’t; the only one you need to remember is me, Mad Dog. This isn’t something that you have any power over. Grab your little wh*re and get the hell out of here!”

“Watch your mouth! Who are you calling a wh*re?” Danny yelled.

“I’m talking about you! What? You wanna practice throwing hands with us?”

“If practice is what you want, then you’ll have it!” As he spoke, Danny whipped his jacket off and raised his fists in preparation to fight. He might not be as strong a fighter as Alexander, but getting in a few punches wasn’t something impossible for him.

When he passed Elise, a hand suddenly reached out and stopped him.

“Don’t worry, Elise. Let me at them. It’s just a few people; they might not actually defeat me. We might not have to run.” Danny was confident in his combat skills.

Elise outright ignored him as she looked at the man in front of her with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “You got it wrong—we have no intention of getting into an altercation with you; we just want to strike a deal with you too.”

“A deal?” Mad Dog grinned in disdain, a sly glint flashing across his eyes for a moment before being quickly buried. “So, which one of you here is the merchandise?” he asked in faux bashfulness.

Elise initially wanted to say that she was the merchandise, but she felt that it didn’t sound that believable. The gears in her head whirred, and then she reached out to pull Danny over and pat his chest. “This guy. He’s healthy, and he doesn’t have any bad habits like smoking or drinking. Name your price.”

Danny opened his mouth to protest, but when Elise shot him a glare, he promptly got into the role he was supposed to play. Instantly, he turned into the protagonist of an angsty, tragic movie. “That’s right, it’s me. But, I’m the only one being sold here. Since I’m so dashingly handsome, can you please name a higher number?”

I gotta go back first and discuss with my superior. Don’t worry though—we’ve always been honest and fair when it comes to

then,” Elise said

turned to order his subordinates. “You two there—take that guy back to base. The rest of you will come with me!” He then gestured at Danny and Elise with his chin a few times. “Don’t

same direction as

while Danny tailed her closely. At the very back of their

Danny in the center while Mad Dog and his men sandwiched them. Slowly,

people are suspicious. Don’t get caught in their

Elise continued her carefree demeanor, as though

the same time, over a dozen men suddenly gathered by the entrance of the alley with sticks and baseball bats in hand as they gradually made

looked behind him warily, getting

Elise asked calmly,

of the thugs behind her raised his voice. “Girlie, you didn’t even know that only the Bossman’s word is needed when it comes to black market stuff before, and you still had the guts to come knocking

lowered. After a moment of thought, she spoke to Mad Dog. “So, if I cut you down, then we can seal

“You look pretty small, but you sure talk big, pretty. Tell

of your face.”

Mad Dog’s expression darkened as he harshly gritted out an order. “Beat up the guy till he’s dead. Capture the girl

fell, the crowd of men behind surged forward, brandishing their weapons as they charged

not shabby. Each punch of his rang true, and he flowed into each move smoothly, so although he was severely outnumbered, none of his opponents

upper hand, there

smile. “Hey pretty, I’ll get them to

reached out to touch Elise’s face

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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