Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 455: Rules of the Black Market

Night descended upon Lithium City. The buildings within the city bathed in darkness. The only source of light was the moon hanging high in the sky.

After determining that the coast was clear with his telescope, Xavier waited until one before he left his hiding spot to sneak into Timothy and Sasha’s home. With the information that he had gleaned over the last few days guiding him, he soon reached their bedroom. He unlocked the door with a specially-made knife and walked inside with gentle footsteps.

“Who’s there?” The man in the bed was rudely woken up.

Xavier rushed over with large steps to cover Timothy’s mouth while he positioned a sharp knife by Sasha’s neck. “Timothy, Sasha, someone paid me a handsome sum of money to ask me to bring you two back. Come with me, and I won’t hurt you.” Xavier’s voice was low, but the threatening undercurrent was evident.

“You call this a polite invitation?” Timothy’s voice was even. As he spoke, he looked at the knife by his wife’s neck through his peripheral vision.

“Apologies, but there is no other way,” Xavier said expressionlessly. “I don’t want to hurt you two either, so long as you cooperate.” Having said that, he put the knife away. A pause later, he reminded, “By the way, I know the escape routes in this area very well. Neither of you will be able to make it past me, and you cannot defeat me in a fight either. You should get rid of your thoughts of escape.”

“Don’t worry. We aren’t looking to die yet.” Timothy pushed his glasses up his nose. There was no sign of fear on his face.

Xavier didn’t want to waste time talking. Quietly, he got up and stood aside to give them space to move. “Let’s go. It’s better for us to leave while it’s still nighttime.”

Both Timothy and Sasha frantically put on their clothes and got off the bed. Holding onto each other tightly, they slowly began to make their way outside.

Xavier’s eyes were slightly narrowed as a strange feeling rose within him.

Since they’re hiding here, they must know very well that countless people are looking to assassinate them. They probably knew that such a day would come. They shouldn’t be behaving like this now, holding each other calmly; they should be trying to die like martyrs or beg for their lives.

Xavier quickly swept a gaze across the room. A sly look immediately flashed across his eyes. “Stop,” he ordered coldly.

Timothy and Sasha stopped in their tracks, but they didn’t look back. Timothy turned his head back slightly. “What do you want?”

to them with soft footsteps. He remained behind Timothy and Sasha as his fingers ran across the gun he held behind him. “A famous physicist with not a single book in

into a deathly silence at his words. In the blink of an eye, the fraudulent professor and his wife rushed out the door, still holding onto each

hope to be; the moment they took a step, two gunshots rang out, the bullets striking them right in their hearts. Regular people would have already fallen over with such grievous injuries, but Timothy and Sasha kept running as though they had a beast on their


The house!


same time, a huge explosion rattled the sky as the houses around the site were instantly reduced

stopped her. “Miss Sinclair, Master Bryce would like to

intend to pay him a visit, so she let go of Alexander’s hand. “You guys can go back first and hand

Bryce means is for you, Miss Sinclair, to

of yours fallen so low as

in the black market, we have to

Macaque had laid that out, Elise

feel at ease. In the end, everyone followed Elise

district for the black market, it more resembled an opera stage.

in a red stage outfit as he lay on a bed with sumptuous covers and pillows, looking like he had stepped out of a period drama. He was an absolutely beautiful man. Although his eyes remained closed, his beauty could clearly be described as mesmerizing, like he

before the stage. Macaque then went onstage from the steps by the side as

his eyes, an eyebrow gently raised as he idly looked at the crowd. With just one glance,

Bryce said in

same goes for

was only then that Bryce got up from the bed. With measured steps, he walked to the forefront of the stage and leaned down, extending a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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