Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 456: Does He Actually Have Eyes for Alexander?

Danny couldn’t help but frown. It seemed that his brother was right—the world was not as simple as he thought.

Once the wretched man was carted off-stage, Bryce sat back on the bed. “Are you pleased with this outcome?” he asked breezily.

“There’s nothing to be pleased about—you just cut this man down. In the future, there will be thousands of others to take his place. Bryce Fiore, I know that this black market of yours is outside the jurisdiction of the law, but do you not even have any basic principles?” Elise asked indifferently.

Bryce didn’t even look up. “On the contrary, I had no idea that you have become an advocate for the police.”

“This has nothing to do with the police. In business deals, you pay the agreed price, and you get the promised merchandise. Now, that man’s blood is on your hands. Is this any different from a dog-eat-dog world?”

“All right, all right…” Bryce waved a hand in dismissal with utmost patience. “I have already rendered that man a cripple, and I will also drive the others away. Let us not allow this little matter to ruin this beautiful meeting of ours when we have not seen each other for such a long time, shall we?”

“If that’s the case, then there’s nothing for us to chat over tea.” Elise composed herself before she went straight to the point. “I want to make a deal with you.”

“Truly, one never comes to me without a reason.” Bryce looked at Elise reproachfully. “Just for once, can you leave with empty hands after you have given me your offerings?”

“No,” Elise replied boldly. “Haven’t you heard that thieves aren’t supposed to go back empty-handed? I’m the thief here, the evil one. Of course I will only be taking from you; who has ever heard of a thief leaving a present for the one they’re robbing?”

“Hehehe… Someone learned how to crack a joke. How fascinating.” Bryce let out a low laugh. At last, he lifted his head. His eyes were absolutely similar to Alexander’s inky-black ones. As though he was teasing her, he pulled a leg up onto the bed and placed an arm on top of his knee. Then, he gestured at her. “El, come here.”

Alexander couldn’t help clenching his hands that were by his sides into fists.

more intimate than the

you’re going to turn down that

down in disappointment. “When have I never followed your whims? Tell me then—what do you have your eyes on this time?” he

too rare; just some dragonmoon grass and solaria flowers. You have them, so spare me some,” Elise

fleece me,” Bryce said in

are you still deliberately trying to play me?” Elise was all smiles. Anyone could see

like those of an old man’s?!” Bryce stood up in agitation. With his arms behind his back, he shot a meaningful look at

eyes. “I already said that he’s my fiancé. If you keep having funny ideas about him, I’m going to actually have

else was bewildered. What was going

his intentions. “It’s just one look; it’s not as though I will actually lay a hand

as he quietly moved to stand behind Elise. This Bryce person

such a pity that he’s not my beau…” he

She swiftly followed up with a few more smacks. “What weirdo nonsense are you saying? You

up and puffed his chest out. “Enough! Allow me to

how he had returned to normal, Elise finally stopped hitting him and retreated to

wasn’t one to remember past grievances. In an instant, he pressed close to her, taking her hand and grinning. “Yes,

an eyebrow.

stated. “And mind your own business! Since you don’t belong to me, stay away from us. Do

Alexander had no words.

stage, Danny shuddered, gooseflesh prickling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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