Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 460: She’s Smiling!

Alexander took Elise’s phone. Then, he reached out and pulled her into his embrace with one arm while he covered her hand with the other, warming her hand up.

“Cameron, step on it,” Alexander stated solemnly.

Elise leaned against his chest. She couldn’t describe the panic she was feeling. She had thought that she was already used to death, and she was also distant toward her family. And yet, now that this moment was actually here, all she could think of was all the various times Trevor had been nice to her.

There was the time when he brazenly avoided Faye and acknowledged her as his only younger sister, the time when he had summoned the courage to return to the company and fight for her status for her, how he had viewed Alexander as his nemesis, how he wanted to stay at her side forever to protect her, all those times when they chatted over meals, when he called her his sister, and when there had been a sense of camaraderie…

Elise vigorously shook her head. She forced herself not to think about them. As long as I’m indifferent to it all, I won’t be upset.

She kept repeating those words to herself. But when she finally reached the hospital and saw Trevor lying in the bed with his entire body bloodied, Elise still lost it.

“Claude! Where’s Claude?” Elise whipped herself around to find him, only to realize that Claude wasn’t here. “Danny, weren’t you watching him?!” she asked in a panic.

“I… I was with you all the whole time. That guy slipped away so quickly that I couldn’t keep up with him!”

Elise shook her head. “No way. Claude is one of mine. Bryce knows our movements like the back of his hand. It’s impossible for his men not to discover that one of us is missing…”

So, they had to be purposefully hiding the truth. Or, Claude had actually been kidnapped by Bryce’s men!

However, Elise didn’t get the chance to keep mulling this over; the heart monitor showed that Trevor’s heartbeat was getting weaker.

“Alexander!” Elise grabbed him as she said frantically, “I’ve used up all my needles. Find me some needles, quickly. Trevor can’t die. My brother can’t die!”

called Trevor her

die without hearing

she had managed to control herself. “Yoyo.” She tamped down her emotions as she stepped forward to support Elise. “Calm down a little. Your brother will be happy that you acknowledged him.

I can still save him!” Elise didn’t know how to explain herself. All she could do was look at Alexander and beg

and her locked gazes for a few seconds. His eyes darkened. Then,

strength left her that instant, and she collapsed to the ground in despair. Does

the waves displayed on the heart monitor grew smaller and smaller. A minute later, all that was shown

down from her eyes and splashed to the ground. Elise

this moment, the sound of running footsteps could be heard from

head and looked in the direction of the sound to see Alexander running toward her. His side still hadn’t healed yet; he even had to press a hand to the

kept running with

came to a stop at last and handed over the bag of silver needles he

staring, the despair in Elise’s eyes cleared. She quickly took the needles and turned to

Knock, knock, knock—

calm yourself! The patient is no longer showing any signs of life!” The nurse calmly knocked on the door. As nurses, they were

a hand over her mouth as she burst into tears. However, she still forced herself to rein in her emotions, sobbing as she

and blocked the door. “The patient’s family still has something to tell him. You can

at him up close. She bit her lip, too shy to meet his gaze. However, her voice softened drastically.

I know how to take care of her. I don’t need you to remind me about

word ‘fianceé,’ the nurse’s expression did a one-eighty. Gritting her teeth, she dashed

at last. Jeanie ran over and wrapped her arms around him. “Austin, Trevor is gone. Our son is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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