Chapter 461 

Jeanie clenched her jaw tightly. The next moment, she made a harsh decision-no matter what price she had to pay, she would not let Faye hurt her family again. This would be the last time ever.

Right at that moment, the door to the ward suddenly flew open. Elise walked out of the room, supporting her weight on the door.

Alexander’s sharp eyes immediately took notice of this, and he quickly reached out to help her stand, but Elise waved dismissively. “Call the doctors over. He isn’t dead yet. Bring the instruments, quick!” she said weakly.

“Oh, all right!” Danny was the first one to react, and he charged over to the reception. “The doctors! Where are they?!”

The doctors and nurses soon arrived. Alexander helped Elise to the side.

The door to the ward was wide open. Faye watched on as an entire crowd worked to save a dead man. Displeasure was clear in her eyes.

And yet, the waves of a heartbeat returned to the heart rate monitor’s screen, and they even got stronger and stronger. At this, Faye’s expression morphed in a fascinating manner. Her grip on her shoulder tightened to the point that her nails dug into her flesh. Impossible. He was dead. How could he be revived?!

Jeanie took in Faye’s sinister expression. She walked over briskly and blocked Faye’s view. “Leave this place now.” Jeanie’s expression was chilly, her tone brooking no argument.

Faye shot a glare at Trevor before turning to meet Jeanie’s eyes. After a brief standoff, she immediately changed gears, a concerned look on her face as she spoke to Austin. “Dad, since Mom doesn’t want me here, I’ll leave. I don’t want to rile her up. You two will be fine. Please tell me if there’s any change in Trevor’s condition.”

Austin was vexed as he pinched his forehead and waved at Faye. “Go ahead.”

Faye hadn’t expected Austin to not even try to get her to stay. Instantly, her expression dimmed. She didn’t even bother to hide the displeasure on her face as she stomped off angrily in her heels. As she waited for the elevator, she gritted her teeth. “That ingrate is sturdier than I thought. He still isn’t dead even though he’s so badly injured!”

just when she had regained some of her

was still frail and weak. “Arrange for a few more guards to stand watch outside of the ward. Do not allow

should do.” Danny nodded solemnly before

the ward was once again

to the black

look for

of death, but to truly save him, I need to

he isn’t at the black market?” Alexander asked thoughtfully. “You and Bryce are… good sisters, as he put it. I don’t think

“There’s no such thing as eternal enemies, or eternal friends.”

Bryce did treat her favorably, but that was because there was no one else worthier than Elise for Bryce to maintain a friendship with. The moment a juicier business prospect cropped up, he would

felt like Elise was a completely different person, as though everything in her eyes was just an exchange of mutual interests. He thought she didn’t believe in true love,

hand, rubbing it gently against his palm as he lowered his head and gently spoke. “If there’s anything you want to do,

me go with you. I

“But you ended up hurt when you came with me last

weak.” He couldn’t protect the woman he loved. He was indeed unworthy of fighting with her side-by

her clear, pretty eyes looking at him with deep affection. “I just can’t stand you getting injured. I won’t be

in response. “So,

his neck and pressed herself close. “Why do you have to be so handsome? I don’t even feel safe

does it feel like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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