Chapter 463 

As soon as Elise finished her sentence, though, Alexander stepped out of the ward. “I heard what you two said just now. Mrs. Anderson, you have to believe that Elise knows what to do and what not to do,” he said impassively. “I’ll go with her, so you can rest assured.”

Since he had said so, Jeanie couldn’t stop Elise anymore, so she had no choice but to give them the nod.

Alexander and Elise then exchanged a brief look before walking outside together tacitly.

The car drove away from the hospital. After the couple were a distance away from the hospital, Alexander broke the silence, asking, “What are you gonna do after arriving at the Anderson Residence?”

Elise rested her elbow on the car window to support her chin. Staring blankly out of the window, she said absentmindedly, “Act according to the circumstances, I guess. I don’t know what’s gonna happen either.”

However, Alexander asked, “What if your dad defends Faye?” He knew it was cruel of him to say this, but he had to do so since he didn’t want Elise to face the scene unprepared.

Upon hearing his question, Elise fell silent for a moment. After all, Austin had viewed Faye as his only daughter over the last dozen years, so their relationship was close. In fact, Faye had already been much dearer to him long ago than Elise—his biological daughter-did. It wasn’t that Elise hadn’t thought of the possibility Alexander brought up; she just didn’t expect that she would be facing it so soon.

However, some things were inescapable.

Elise never intended to provoke Austin and Faye on her own initiative. To put it in an uncaring way, as long as Faye didn’t hurt who she cared about, she wouldn’t give a damn about it if Faye stole the Anderson Family’s property or even Austin away. But since Faye was behind Trevor’s car accident, she would certainly find out the truth about it.

As for Austin… Elise had seen how much Alexander suffered at the hands of Madeline and Adam, so her reason wouldn’t allow her to make the same mistake. Her only worry was that she might go soft on him because of their blood relationship.

“It doesn’t matter if anyone defends Faye. She has hurt my brother.” She raised her voice, as if talking to Alexander while hypnotizing herself and warning herself not to waver.

Alexander reached his hand out to

his hand with a

the couple

stood behind the iron fence. After looking at Elise’s face, she opened the gate from the inside. “Welcome back, Miss Yoona,” she said with a respectful

that she had never come to the Anderson Residence before, let alone identify

been found. It’s Master Austin who said so himself in front of everyone, and he even showed us your picture and told us to keep your appearance in mind and respect

words rendered Elise at a loss for a reply

on the topic on his own initiative, asking, “Did Mr. Anderson

according to her past favorites to make it convenient for her to come back anytime. Oh, by

after saying a few words to Mr. Anderson. Your madam’s still waiting for

closer, huh? But it’s bad to forget about such a good father like Master Austin, Miss Yoona. I’ve watched him have dinner alone every single

plans about this, so please

already made plans, he was actually implying that she shouldn’t be too much of a busybody, but he had said so in a way that spared her feelings. “Yes, you’re right, sir. Sorry for

said, “Just tell Faye to come downstairs. I know she’s at home.” Before coming here, she had tracked Faye’s location and

that Elise’s orders had to be obeyed too. Therefore, she obediently went in another direction and

the servant went upstairs. He slowly came downstairs

a bit displeased, though. “How much

let out a sigh. Then, he looked up at her, asking, “Why are

straight to the point, Elise replied, “To

his hand. “Those were nothing but groundless speculations that have no factual

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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