Chapter 464 

“That’s sheer nonsense!” Austin flung his arms in vexation.

“Nonsense? I’m not in the mood for nonsense, nor am I joking either,” Elise said expressionlessly. “Well then, I’ll take it as you’ve chosen to stick with Faye.”

Austin didn’t refute her.

The words the servant had just said rang in Elise’s head. In an instant, disappointment welled up inside her.

Sometimes, being foolish could be fatal. Despite his current age, Austin was appallingly not as farsighted as Jeanie and Bertha. Even they knew that Faye was a greedy and wicked monster who would bite the hand that fed her someday if kept around, but he believed her wholeheartedly. In that case, let him pay for the so-called love between father and daughter and his foolishness, thought Elise.

Shooting a glance upstairs, Elise saw Faye, who quietly avoided meeting the former’s eyes while hiding behind a pillar. “Since you’ve heard it all, keep this in mind,” Elise said to the person upstairs. “From now on, you and the Andersons have another enemy.” With that, she stormed off right away without taking another glance at Austin.

“You’ve made another wrong decision,” Alexander said before going out after her.

Shortly after the couple walked outside, they saw Bertha waiting in front of them. Even though Elise was in low spirits, she went straight up to the old woman without avoiding her

“Yoona.” Bertha looked at Elise while being visibly heartbroken. “I feel I haven’t seen you for ages.”

“You’ve got to be kidding, Old Mrs. Anderson. It’s only been a month or so,” Elise replied flatly.

“No, it’s different.” Bertha stepped forward and held Elise’s hands in her wrinkled hands, rubbing the latter’s hands again and again. “I used to know you as Miss Sinclair, but now you’re my dear granddaughter. Now that I think about it, we’ve not seen each other for almost 15 years.”

made the calculations. Regardless of whether she was speaking to Bertha

However, when Elise saw Bertha shedding

her tears away. Holding Elise’s hand in a tight grasp, she said, “Please

not to fight Faye like he did?” Elise shot back. At first, she had wanted to tell Bertha that Trevor had nearly died because of

at present aren’t the only things he

to understand what I don’t understand either,” Elise replied coldly “I only do what I believe is right and defend

what you see is only an act that

and what’s wrong will always be wrong. There’s nothing that they should be afraid of facing. If they’re afraid, that only shows they’re too cowardly to summon up their courage. Are the others supposed to sympathize and play along with you if you’re a chicken? There’s

gonna suffer for being so young and impetuous,

from Bertha’s grasp. “I’d rather suffer than have a guilty conscience,” she said.

listened to the two women’s conversation from behind them for a while. After Elise had left, he walked up to Bertha and apologized to her on Elise’s

a sigh. Then, she recalled something and added, “Since you’re always around her, please always remind her that fearlessness isn’t a good thing. I fear that she might end up being covered in scars

let anyone touch a single strand of Elise’s hair even if that means l’ll get hurt myself,”

entrusting this granddaughter of mine to you, then. Please be sure to take good care of her for

Alright then, I’ve


bowed to her slightly

the car. “Hello? Who’s that? Just shoot if you have something to say. If not, I’m hanging up,”

that I’m no longer needed?” Nathan complained. “You can’t cozy up to people when

straight to the point, please,”

what it was,” Nathan replied. He continued unhurriedly, “The Dahlens have gone bankrupt, no? I’d done the job, but you didn’t call me, so I can only call you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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