Chapter 466 

Elise kept sending text messages on her cell phone on their way home.

Jealous, Alexander asked, “Who are you texting? You’re replying to the messages so quickly.”

“A wine lover who loves drinking more than everything else. He certainly won’t let this bottle of Romanée-Conti slip through his fingers,” Elise replied. As she spoke, she took a selfie with the bottle of Romanée-Conti in her arms. Then, she opened the chat window on WhatsApp and sent the picture.

When Alexander caught sight of the scene from the corner of his eye, he couldn’t help stepping on the gas even harder. So far, Elise has never done anything intimate to me like sending me selfies. Who’s the one she’s texting, and why do they deserve such treatment? Could it be her grandparents? No, their state of health wouldn’t allow them to drink too much alcohol. Nor could it be the Andersons, who are now in a state of utter confusion. It couldn’t be Elise’s classmates, either. They’re all ladies, so whether they drink alcohol or not is questionable, and besides, they can’t tell good wine from bad, he thought. As he was too absorbed in thought, he unconsciously blurted out what he was thinking. “Who could it be…”

Then, in a moment of inattention, he accidentally rear-ended the car in front of him.

Tacitly, both drivers pulled over to the side of the road to avoid blocking traffic on the road.


“Are you alright?” Alexander hurriedly checked on Elise’s condition. After making certain that she was unscathed, he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. Then, he walked around his car

other car. However, when he saw the female driver who was checking on the damage done to her car, his bushy eyebrows furrowed. “Maya?”



wno Wa

mixed emotions flickering across her eyes. “It’s you? Well, never mind.” She kicked the car’s rear bumper. “Just go ahead with your business. You don’t have to take responsibility for this.” Having been reduced to a nobody at present, she could no longer be of any help to Alexander, nor was she good enough for him. On top of that, she didn’t want him to

blow, Maxwell went into a coma and was lying in the hospital. In order to pay his medical expenses, Maya sold everything she could. Having parted with her luxury cosmetics, designer clothing, and luxury handbags, she now wore a shirt and a pair


Elise got out of the car and walked

Elise from continuing to come toward them. Then, he took out a bank card and handed it to Maya. “Here. The money in it should be enough for you to get the car fixed or swap it for a newer car that’s more comfortable. Your car’s gonna be scrapped soon, I

I don’t want it. Take back your money,” Maya said stubbornly, before biting her lower lip at once. Only by doing so

how worn-out the car—which had been kept in the underground garage for more than ten years-looked, but she had no other option. Everything that belonged to the Dahlens had been taken away, except for this car, which she and her family could keep on using because it was registered under her deceased grandfather’s name. She couldn’t be left without the car. She had to go back and forth between her recently rented home-where she had to move all the usable stuff

Nathan York, she would still be a little princess living the life of luxury, and her father, who loved her more than anyone else did, wouldn’t have fallen into a coma. Even now, she still had a hard time accepting rcality,

recognized Maya’s voice at once

be bothering you two anymore. Alright, you may leave now.” The Dahlens had gone bankrupt, causing her to be reduced from being the daughter of a wealthy family to her current state. Consequently, she only wished that everyone who

never show up in

up behind Elise. Getting out of the car, Nathan strode up to the couple with his

from a rich lady who lived a life of luxury into the down-and-out woman I currently am! It was him who caused suffering to both the Dahlens and my father, who loves me more than anyone else does! The Dahlen

Elise. “It’s okay that you took the wine away, but could you pay attention to your identity and protect yourself, hmm?” Then, he turned to look at Alexander and called him

of your business. Why don’t you mind

replied. Then, he continued as if it were a matter of course, “You

What he said sounds so embarrassing in every way, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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