Chapter 467 

A flicker of resentment flashed across Maya’s eyes for an instant, but it quickly vanished as she looked up at Elise sincerely. “You’re right I could never have come between you two since the very beginning. Everything that happened in the past is all my fault. I wonder if you can let me stay around you two from now on, even as a servant. Please think of this as giving me an opportunity to make amends for what I’ve done.”

However, Nathan unmasked her mercilessly at once. “What a funny woman you are! Weren’t you having your eyes on Elise’s boyfriend carlier? What, are you switching to the softer approach now? Wanna steal Alexander from Elise by staying close to them? You sure have no problem humbling yourself, huh?”

“No, I won’t do that anymore!” Maya explained in a panic. “I promise that I’ll obey no one else but Miss Sinclair. If you guys are still worried, from now on, whenever I see Alexander, I’ll automatically keep a three-meter distance from him. Are you guys still not gonna believe me if I do this?”

Alexander shook his head, sighing. “You don’t have to do this.”

Maya dared not look at him; she merely stared stubbornly at Elise, waiting for her reply.

Finally, after a long time, Elise replied slowly, “That’s not necessary. I have enough servants at home, and besides, I don’t have the habit of abusing others and ordering people around. You’ve paid for everything you did to me when the Dahlens went bankrupt, so we no longer owe each other anything. From now on, let’s go our separate ways. Don’t show up in front of me anymore.” With that, she turned around and got into Alexander’s car without the slightest hesitation.

Nathan and Alexander both darted a glance at Maya before getting into their respective cars. Soon, both cars disappeared into the flow of traffic.

Does she think she can just walk away after ruining me? It’s

Trevor, and Claude. The only person who enjoyed dinner with great relish was Nathan, who lived alone and thus seldom had the opportunity to eat home-cooked meals.

table manners a little, Mr. York. You’re a financial tycoon with at least billions

froze for a moment before he smiled with embarrassment.

often.” Danny said. He had heard many legends about Nathan, who was great enough to be idolized by every hot-blooded youth because he had single-handedly striven to become who he was today. It felt like a dream

clang came from the gate. When everyone turned to look at the gate, they saw a thin and weak figure dragging a bag of stuff into the yard

enough after extorting money from Alexander back on the road? How dare she pursue us all the way here? Seems like I haven’t done enough damage to her family yet,” he said while putting down his cutlery. Then, he walked out first, threatening, “Wanna latch onto us, huh? Don’t you know that an unmarried woman like you should keep your distance from men? Get

ahead and let me go bankrupt once again! I’m afraid of nothing. I’ve

to deal with. They had nothing to lose, so they had nothing

all kinds of tricks. The instant Maya growled at him, he immediately gave off a commanding aura through every pore with a murderous look in

went past Nathan right away. Walking a few steps into the yard, she shouted, “Elise, I know I can’t hide it from you. It’s right that I have a purpose in cottoning up to you, but it’s not for Alexander’s sake-it’s for the sake of my dad. He’s been in a vegetative state since the Dahlens went bankrupt, but I know you have a way of curing him. As long as you’re willing to do so, I’m willing to do anything. Even if you’re not, I’ll stay at the Sinclair Residence as a servant until the day you’re

put it in her bowl, and toyed with it for a moment. Then, she laughed as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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