Chapter 472 

“Wait a minute.” Joey suddenly calmed down. “How did you know that I love H? Did my dad tell you that? You’ve been planning this! Great!”

“Come on, give your father some credits.” Elise indifferently uttered, “He didn’t tell me anything. I guessed it.”

“Guessed it? How? We hardly spoke.” Joey expressed her skepticism.

Elise then looked at her body as she smoothly clarified, “The cute figurine hanging on your bag is from H’s Q series, and your bag is of the same brand H carried when she attended events.”

Joey was dumbfounded. “Who are you?”

“You wanna know?” Elise lifted one of her eyebrows.

Joey, in return, stupidly nodded.

“See for yourself.” Elise pulled a face on her and turned around to leave.

Baffled for a moment, Joey stomped her feet toward Elise. “Hey! Where’s my signed poster and photograph?”

At that moment, Danny slyly barged in. “I’m one of H’s friends, you know? Call me ‘Big Bro Danny and I’ll get them for you. How’s that?” He had always wanted a little sister with a cool yet silly personality like Joey.

But Joey stared at him as if he was deranged. “Stay away from me!”

Having brought humiliation upon himself, Danny could only sulk as he leaned against Clement.

in, Clement slowed down

stood still

He walked past him and chased after Elise without

lips. Perhaps he was the one that

Pharmaceuticals based in Landred City, arrived at the

you know. None of the participating bidders can compete with the Andersons. With their capabilities, there’s no way they

confuse anyone who attempted to read her mind. Though, that was nothing but a facade. In fact, she was so nervous about the auction that she felt compelled to witness the end of it. Trevor curviving had been a huge shock to her, and she had since been anxious about things not going her way. Hence, she had to supervise everything herself. Once she had gotten her hands on this piece of land, those misogynistic incels from the company’s board would no longer have anything to say about her.

world it is.” All of a sudden, a voice interrupted her contemplation. Turning to the source, she saw

are you here?” Faye questioned in a hostile

reason you came,” Danny

eyes. I knew things

much as you hate me, it’s not funny to pull pranks in auctions. Raising

the Andersons, wouldn’t that

it. This b*tch is only here to take a slice of our family’s

A country girl clinging to a broke, washed out heir of a


land auction offered only one particular. Therefore, every single bidder was a daunting opponent. After a brief introduction, a strike of a mallet thundered through the room. “The starting bid is thirty-eight million, raising two million with each bid.

Armand, under Faye’s order, yelled, “Fifty million.” With

of a damsel. “Sixty

young chick, so bold to go against

that… How long does it take to regain that

There’s no way

got ourselves a plot twist. I thought the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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