Chapter 473 

Failing to acquire the land, Armand grew utterly anxious. As soon as the auction ended, he stormed out and made a call to come up with a solution.

Fave, on the other hand, was trying her best to remain composed and act as natural as possible to face Elise, who was going her way.

“Aww. What should we do? The land you’ve been craving has fallen into another’s hands.” Elise expressionlessly mocked, “Looks like even without Trevor, you won’t be able to secure your position for long.”

“Hmph, you don’t have to worry about that.” Faye sneered, “I failed, but you didn’t exactly succeed, so there’s no point in any debate, is there?”

“Right. Because of that, I lost my only chance to join Anderson Pharmaceuticals…” Elise deliberately made a remorseful face before returning to her uninterested look. “But you seem to have forgotten that I have no intention of returning there.”

Faye was taken aback, unable to speak a word.

“Hence, I’ve never wanted anything. Besides, what’s the point of dwelling on stuff that’s already lost?” Elise profoundly continued, “However, seeing that hideous scowl on your face is pretty satisfying. Isn’t that something worth celebrating?”

“Of course, it is!” Danny openly uttered, “We should all drink to such a joyous occasion! To the misfortune of a certain woman!”

“Say that again and I’ll f*cking rip you apart!” Her eyes wide, Faye shot daggers at him.

“Oh yeah? I’d like to see you try. I’ve been hoping for a sparring partner!”

moment, a man in an expensive suit came forth with a

May I know which one of you is Miss Sinclair?”


recognized the man, the same man who took the land away from

“This is the deed

who’s your boss

of Smith Co.-Kenneth Bailey,” the man calmly

know any Kenneth, or any Bailey.” Elise hadn’t

Co.’s territory, you become one of our most prestigious guests.” The man then lowered his body and handed out the deed in his hand. Please

people who attempted to force a relationship with her. He wants to know me. so what? Must I agree to that? Nevertheless, seeing the frustration on Faye’s face, she

had been silent the whole time, came over and accepted the

Fulfilling his mission, the

Alexander. “Are you going to

anyway,” Alexander replied. After all, Kenneth

Elise felt

for you, so naturally, you owe me what you owed

Turning away, Elise cunningly grinned. “Well, that means I owe

nothing. Since he had acquired the land for her by using Smith Co., he had no intention to ask for anything

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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