Chapter 475 

The gem auction event was a specialty of Landred City. Many places would have their own local street delicacy, and every city would have a place that was mysterious and challenging to go to. As such, those places would attract many tourists to visit and for Landred City–it was the gem auction event.

In Landred City, the gem auction event was one of the recommended places to visit. Previously, this once-a-year event would be held at a further place, but the organizer somehow managed to hold this event that had a gambling characteristic in the city center.

Stone gambling didn’t mean gambling on the stone itself, but the jade and jadeites inside the stone. Becoming rich or broke overnight depended solely on one’s luck and eye–it was similar to buying lottery tickets.

A hundred million citizens of Cittadel would buy lottery tickets, so stone gambling was also relatively adopted by many.

In recent years, there had been many cases where people became rich because of stone gambling. Because of that, more and more people were putting their fortune into the gem auction event with such determination,

When Elise and the others got out of the car, they bumped into Faye. However, she wasn’t a subordinate at the company today. In fact, she dressed like a young lady from a rich family.

After Elise took Faye’s spotlight yesterday, Faye held a grudge. Now that Elise came to her herself, Faye did not want to let go of the chance to humiliate her.

“Why are you here? Stone gambling isn’t like anything else. You can’t see it, nor can you touch it. If you’re not knowledgeable in this field, all your money can go down the drain. Don’t waste money just because you want to irritate me, Elise,” Faye said in a pretentious tone.

In response, Elise smiled before saying, “I don’t know where to spend my money anyway. I’ll think of it as doing charity. It’s such a fun event, so I can’t bear to miss it.”

“Fun? You can get bankrupt! Even if you have a lot of money, this event will definitely make you lose all you have sooner or later.” After leaving Athesea, Faye no longer cared about her sisterhood with Elise. With the tone of an elderly, she said sarcastically, “You’ve been staying in the countryside for so long, so it’s normal if you don’t understand stone gambling. Stone gambling, after all, is still a form of gambling.”

With a shrug, Elise said, “Aren’t these just stones in the end?”

To her, jades and any other precious stones were all similar–they were all just stones like the common ones on the road.

“Tsk, the ignorance.” Just as she finished saying that, the woman next to Faye sneered, “Uneducated people are just uneducated. How dare you reduce jades to nothing? Even Gods Chosen Girl won’t dare to say that.”

“God’s Chosen Girl?” Elise raised a brow.

to teach them everything. To not have beard of God’s Chosen Girl… Who let her

a dark face. Did they expect her to remember all the famous

years ago at a gem auction event in Dukethorn, a girl with a veil came out of nowhere. The stones that she bought all turned out to be imperial jade of good grade. That made her the center of attention, triumphing over the well known buyers. Hence, people in the field call her God’s Chosen Girl. God must

but her aura doesn’t lack behind any men. Her actions were calm and precise. After cracking the stone, she seemed so indifferent. I’ll probably never attain that kind of knowledge and wisdom

Girl hadn’t shown up ever since then. I wonder if I will have the chance to

person said, Elise showed

Was that it?

to become

good luck, anyone could become God’s chosen

have misunderstood,” Elise said in

mean?” The woman who

were talking about… Maybe she didn’t understand the way

once, Faye seemed

was for the

once, the woman covered her mouth with a hand before laughing hysterically. “Faye, this sister of yours from the countryside is truly amusing. We’ve already said how impressive the God’s

an arm on Faye’s shoulder before reminding her, “Faye, I advise that you send your

in a helpless manner, “I have

e no

all. How can I decide

teach the younger. Why do you care so much about other factors? If you don’t dare to teach her, I will help you put


that act earlier, Celina thought that Elise must think of them as easy targets

the attack. If Celina dared to lay a finger on Elise, he’d

hit women, he would have ways to

about to land on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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